Chapter 2- Four O'Donoghue Boys

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Chapter 2- Four O’Donoghue Boys

*Cat’s POV*

“Cat? Are you alright in there?” Her voice calls from the other side of the door. I hear the quiet splash as the salt water hits the contents of the bath. I need to reply to her, so she doesn’t think I have drowned or something, but I don’t have the will. Anyway, maybe I have drowned; drowned in life. The bath water has long gone cold but I don’t care, I just sit, curled up, trying to breathe through my thoughts. “Cat?” She calls again, worry ringing in her voice. I sigh, my heart feeling so heavy in my chest it weighs my ribs back down. “I’m coming.” I call quietly, the sound of my voice feeling so alien. I slowly pull myself from the water and wrap myself in a towel. I sit down on the toilet seat, far too tired to stay standing. My blood feels like lead, weighing my whole body to the ground. “Cat open this door now or I will break it down!” Sally threatens and I sigh, getting up and sliding the bolt back. “You’re not dressed!” She says as she sees me stood in my towel. “Come on, I will do your hair for you now then.” She says, wrapping a dressing gown around me and guiding me out into her bedroom.

She sits me down in front of the dresser and begins work on my hair. “Sally, I don’t know if I am ready for this.” I whisper as she brushes my soggy black hair. She sighs, her eyes still on my hair. “Cat, you will be fine I promise. Look everyone has been very understanding but if you want the job, you have to do it. We can’t give you any longer. You need the money and you need to get back to normal.” She says and I know she is right but…but I am scared. “I know.” I whisper and she stops brushing and smiles at me in the mirror.

“It will be fine, everyone is lovely and they are dying to meet you at last. It’s just drinks and a bit of music in a bar Cat, it’s nothing to be worried about. And besides, I will be there with you.” She says and I force out a small smile.

“Ok.” I say and she grins.

“Good; now, less chit-chat, more blow-drying.” She says, picking up a hairdryer and setting to work drying my hair. The whirring of the dryer is strangely relaxing and I feel myself loosen up a little. Sally is right; I need to get back into the really world. I need to leave everything behind me, Danny is the past now, and I must say hello to the future.

*Glen’s POV*

Cassidy’s ears prick up as the doorbell chimes out through the house. As I make my way to answer the door I know who is behind it; Mark- you can tell by the fact he seems to be trying to smash the doorbell apart with his fist. “And to what do I owe the pleasure.” I say as I open the door. “Rina.” Is his reply as he invites himself through the door.

“Right…” I say, waiting for a slightly more detailed explanation.

“If she asks, we have a very important rehearsal now.” He says as he flops down on the sofa.

“Ok…” I say again, still confused.

“Have you heard from Dan?” Mark asks, suddenly changing the subject.

“No, he won’t answer his phone.” I say and Mark nods.

“Yeh same.” He says as Cassidy jumps up onto his lap.

“Do you think he is ok?” I ask and Mark lets out a long sigh.

“Is anyone?” He asks and then it’s my turn to sigh. He is right, nobody is ok, not us, not Cat and certainly not Danny. Even Cassidy seems miserable. “What are we going to do?” I ask and Mark shrugs. “What can we do? I am afraid, Glen, this is out of our depth.” He says with a sigh “There is nothing else we can do but wait.”

*Danny’s POV*

I have lost count of the amount of times my phone has made that annoying buzzing sound-15? 20? Maybe even 25! But I don’t care. I don’t care who it is and I don’t care what they want. My shaking hand brings the bottle of whisky to my lips, letting the alcohol wash through my veins. It blurs my thought which I good for I don’t want them. I don’t what to think of what I have lost, what I threw away, what I can never get back, but then, there is nothing else to think about. With tumbling fingers I turn on the radio, hoping to drown my thoughts in sound as well as drink.

But I'm Barely Breathing (A The Script FanFic) (Sequel to Millionaires)Where stories live. Discover now