Chapter 17-Confessions

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Chapter 17-Confessions

*Cat's POV*

"...So, yeh, that's it really..." I say, trailing off, "We are okay again, I think."

"Aw! That's great!" Sally squeals excitedly down the phone.

"Yeh, yeh it is." I say but I know my tone doesn't back up my words, and I know Sally has picked up on this.

"What's wrong?" She asks and I sign; I have been asking myself the same question.

"I don't know, just..." I trail off and sigh again. "Danny thinks there is something between Eoin and me." I say, "And he is...jealous? I don't know...he isn't comfortable, I know that."

"Ah...I see." Sally says, trying to sound serious but I can tell she is secretly rather excited by the cliché-ness of it all. "Well, does he have reason to be?"

"" I say.

"You hesitated..." She says, holding back a giggle.

"Oh shut up." I mutter, flopping down on the sofa. "Look, Eoin is lovely, but..." I trail off as I realise I don't have a 'but'. "Look, it's not important. Anyway, how are you feeling?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Oh, you know, like death, but I'll be fine, honest." She says in her, over-the-top, theatrical, drama queen voice and I laugh.

"Good." I say,

"So, what else have I missed being cooped up with plague?" She asks and I rack my brains for something.

"Umm, Mark and Glen seem fine, oh and Mark sends his love." I say

"Aw, that's sweet." She says and I smile.

"Um, Louise was there, with her brother and his boyfriend." I say,

"Oh, the cute one?" She says and I grin,

"The cute one? Leo? Yes." I say and she laughs,

"Don't pretend you don't think he is cute." She says and I grin,

"Yeh, okay he is sorta cute isn't he?" I say and she laughs.

"Ha! Told you." She says and I shake my head chuckling.

"Oh, but guess who was there!" I say,

"Who?" She asks, excitement in her voice.

"Luke!" I say,

"O'Donoghue?! I didn't know he was back!" She says and I smile to myself; we seem to have fallen into full gossiping mode.

"I know! Been back a few months I think." I say,

"How is he?" She asks and I shrug, even though she can't see me.

"I don't know, I didn't seem him much and when I did he was pretty wasted. Louise is still into him though."

"I don't blame her." Sally says dreamily.

"Hey, Louise was there first!" I say and Sally laughs,

"I know, I know." Sally says, "A long time first...has he actually noticed her existence yet?"

"Hey, he knows she, I don't think he realises no, he seems a bit distracted anyway." I say, trailing off as I think back to the brief times I saw him at Christmas. "Anyway, you coming to rehearsal tomorrow?" I say, smiling as Raisin slips onto my lap, stretching out along my knee like a lion on a rock.

"Yeh, I think so. Oh, by the way have you heard about Erin?" Sally asks and I suddenly stop scratching Raisin's ears at the sound of her name and listen expectantly.

But I'm Barely Breathing (A The Script FanFic) (Sequel to Millionaires)Where stories live. Discover now