Chapter 7- A Name

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Chapter 7- A Name

*Cat’s POV*




The knocks at the door starlet me as they ring out through the silence. I lie still for a moment, staring at the darkness around me.




I sigh, swinging my legs out of bed and into my slippers before slipping on my dressing gown. I slowly make my way to the front door and am just about to unlock it when a thought strikes me.

What if it's a murderer?! Or a robber?! Who else would be at my door at 2am?

No, no that's silly, murderers and robbers don't knock.

I think before turning the key and pulling open the door. Suddenly lightning flashes; eliminating my doorstep in blinding light as I try to work out the identity of the dark silhouette. Then, as the light fades and my eyes begin to clear his features smear into focus.

"Eoin!" I cry as I stare at the man stood out in the storm. "Oh god, come in, quickly!" I say, practically pushing him through the door before he can say a word. I close the door and turn to face him, his brown hair plastered to his face, his clothes soaked and dripping into a pool of water around his feet, and in his hands a soaked, flimsy, cardboard box and from it some strange cries.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I just didn't know where else to go." He says, his teeth chattering slightly.

"No it's fine, I couldn't sleep anyway. Come on in and change out of those wet clothes before you catch your death." I say leading him into the sitting room before rummaging around for something clean and dry for him to wear. Soon I find a towel, a blanket and a lovely, white, fluffy dressing gown.

"What were you doing out in a storm in the dead of night?" I ask, turning to see he has stripped down to his boxers, his wet clothes in an untidy heap on the floor.

"Long story." he says, taking the towel and beginning to rub himself down. I sit down on the sofa and try to find something to look at that isn't his body, but for some reason that proves very difficult.

"Erin and I had a row again, some nonsense about me not being loyal to her or something, I stormed out, went and had a few drinks to try and calm down, got back and found I had been locked out. Then, while I was wondering around trying to think of what to do, I found that." He says, nodding to the box on the coffee table. I manage to drag my eyes away from his torso and down to the cardboard. Slowly I lift open the lid and I can't stop the ‘Awww’ from escaping my lips. Curled up in a little ball of fluff are three kittens.

“Awww wow what were you doing out in the cold hey?” I coo patronizingly and I reach my hand into the box and pick out a meowing kitten. “Where did you find them?” I ask, gazing at the tiny kitten in my hand.

“The box was just dumped in an alleyway; I couldn’t leave the little things there so I brought them here.” He says, sitting down wearing the fluffy dressing gown. I put down the kitten and smile at Eoin; I don’t understand him, not completely anyway. Sometimes he is annoying, flirty, chatterbox who’s ego is bigger than a blue whale, but other times, he is a cute little puppy, who seems so lost and confused but kind and…adorable.

“Lady Catherine?” He says, snapping me out of my little trance.

“Oh, right, sorry. Umm well I will take them to my sister- she’s a vet- and get the, checked, make sure they are ok.” I say.

But I'm Barely Breathing (A The Script FanFic) (Sequel to Millionaires)Where stories live. Discover now