Chapter 19-Free

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I need to stop having to start these with sorry it's been so long...but yeh...sorry...

previously on BIBB...
Cat and Danny finally met again for the first time since the messy break up
Cat is having some confused feeling between Danny and Eoin
Guy is determined to try and help Luke now
Mark has been acting odd, not going home and not being himself
Glen is determined to fix everything and make a list of Things Autumn would have wanted.
Kara has tracked down Danny is waiting to make her move to avenge Dan
Joey has befriended a little girl called Gale at Kara's place
We were introduced to a girl Louise who is a old family friend of the O'Donoghue's who Cat talks about how she has been in love with Luke for years yet he hasn't noticed her
Someone was in a confession box confessing to murder...Guy then sees Mark leaving the church...humm..
Luke was out running when he got caught in some young boys game with fake guns and had a flashback to when he found out his friend Jay had died
Glen bumped into a girl named Kara in the park who was new in town...

So yeh I hope that fills any gaps in your memory! Enjoy!


Chapter 19- Free

*Joey's POV*

"Now listen, Kara, she's gone away for a bit, so till she is back I'm in charge 'ere alright? So, I feel we can boost our income, don't you? Now scrat, see if ya can make old 'arry proud eh?"

The streets are very crowded, even just after Christmas, and yet still nobody is interested in us. If anything they are less interested. We only have enough for two or three boxes of Fish and Chips at most. Harry won't be happy with us.

"Come on Small." I sigh, putting the coins from the old coffee mug into my pocket and gently prodding Gale who is asleep on a bench. She moans and coughs but doesn't get up. I sniff deeply and rub my red nose on my sleeve – wasn't there a song about someone with a red nose? Maybe he had a cold too.

"Gale, we have to go." I say, my voice wavering a little; I'm not used to being in charge of someone. "Gale." I say but she won't respond. I shake her softly and she moans. Her skin feels warm against mine and for a moment I am distracted by how nice it feels against my cold hands- almost as if I had those gloves Amber gave me again.

"Gale?" I try again and she weakly opens her eyes for a moment before they fall closed again. I begin to panic, what do I do? What do I do? I need them to tell me what to do! I need them to help!

"Help!" I find myself saying, calling out to them even though they are not here. "Help me!" I cry, my body is shaking and I vaguely remember Amber telling me being cold to long you can catch your death. "Help!" I try again.

"What's happened?" A voice suddenly asks and I jump.

"Help her, please. I don't know what to do." I blurt out. The man looks past me at Gale on the bench and his face becomes concerned. He goes to her, bending down and placing a hand to her head.

"Sweetie, can you open your eyes for me a moment?" He asks. I watch him closely as he frowns and bites his lip.

"She has a high fever, she needs warmth and rest. Where do you live?" He asks and I frown. "Where's your home?" He asks again. I stiffen; home, no not home, please. Home is scary, it hurts, I don't want to go back. Please don't take me back there; Dan said I never had to go back there.

"Alright, okay then." The man says with a sigh. He looks down at Gale on the bench and then up the street. "Look, I guess, if you have nowhere else, you could- ugh I suppose, you could come back with me." He says and I nod immediately, he can take charge, I don't want to be responsible anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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