Chapter 13- The Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Future

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  • Dedicated to Harry Burnell

Chapter 13- The Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Future

*Sean’s POV*

“Da? Da it’s Cally.” The voice crackles. “I’m sorry if you’re busy, I just…wanted to let you know, my mocks went pretty well; 5 A’s, 2 B’s, an A* and 1 C-but then that was French…and who really needs French, unless you plan of living in France, which I don’t. So yeh, umm Adam’s been out a lot, band practice I think, and I’m going out with the girls at the weekend…which will be nice. Umm Ma has been…I don’t know. I know that there is something going on Da, and…well, I’m not a kid, neither is Adam, we deserve to know what’s going on, please, I don’t know…we may even be able to help.

Are you coming home for Christmas? Ma says there is no party this year; is that true? If so, why? There is always a party. Is something wrong with Nana? Is that it? Is that why you haven’t come home? Or is it Ma? I know you’ve been rowing a lot but…do you still love her? Or is it us? Have I complained too much? Or has Adam played his music to loudly or something? Is it when I spilt coffee on your laptop and you lost all that work? If so, I’m really sorry Da, honestly I am.

I’ve…missed you. Crazy, hey? I’ve really missed you. I missed your teasing and your bad jokes, I’ve missed your hugs and I’ve missed you burning dinner because you got carried away singing and dancing with the broom.

Please, just please come home Da, for Christmas, please.”

She pauses for a minute, the sound of the crackling line filling the silence. And then, suddenly the crackling stops and the annoying voicemail woman tells me the message has ended. I wipe away the water from my eyes as I shakily put my head in my hands. My little girl; to hear her, holding back tears, pleading; it breaks my heart. I can’t do this to them, they don’t deserve this, I’m their father. They are both growing up so fast, there are only so many Christmas’s we have left, I can’t afford to waste one. If my little girl wants me home for Christmas, then I shall be, and nothing in the world, not even a Grinch or Mr Scrooge can stop me.  

*Danny’s POV*

Dear Autumn,

How are you?

Sorry, I know that’s such a stupid question but…well, it feels like a good way to start. It’s December now…again, December the 23rd. Tomorrow is Christmas eve, the night of my family’s Christmas party, we have had one for years, it’s sort of a tradition.

Did you ever celebrate Christmas? Before us? I never asked, there are so many things I never asked.

My brothers have been staying with me recently; you never met them, did you? No, I think you would have liked them…well, maybe not Guy, he isn’t exactly the most friendly of people.

Umm, Mark and Glen are fine, and Cassidy too. She lives with Glen now; I think he enjoys her company.

I spoke to Cat the other day. I wanted to tell her I miss her, and I tried to, I tried to get her back, but I couldn’t form the words. In the end I just invited her to the party tomorrow. It will be the first time I’ve seen her in months and I’m…well, terrified.

If I can’t get her to forgive me tomorrow I doubt I ever will, and then she will be lost forever, and I can’t stand that, I can’t lose her forever.

I’m just so scared, I need you Autumn, I need…I need someone, please. I just feel so alone, and so confused, I just want everything to go back to how it was, happy and…and perfect. Why did things have to change?

If there is some sort of fate system up there, give it a nudge in the right direction for me tomorrow night will you? Please, I think I need some luck right now.

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