Chapter #3- Tears of a Princess

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Chapter #3- Tears of a Princess

*Cat's POV*

I am not sure how long I have been here, an hour? Maybe two. Long enough to get a 'Sally introduction' to almost everyone anyway, and long enough for everyone to lose interest in 'the new girl'. So now I am sat apart from everyone, trying to get away from people as much as possible. It's scary, being out in a social situation again, I think I have forgotten how to cope with them.

"€2:50 please" The man behind the bar suddenly says, snapping me from my thoughts. I begin rummaging in my purse when suddenly a hand appears in front of me, a five euro note between its fingers.

"Make that two of them please." The hands owner says, passing the note to the bartender.

"No, please it's fine." I say, pulling out my own money.

"No, I insist, a princess shouldn't have to buy her own drink." He says, a flirtatious smile on his face, a twinkle in his eye. I smile, rolling my eyes slightly.

"Right...well, umm thanks." I say, taking my drink from the bar and sipping it.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name? Being a princess it's probably something like Guinevere or Esmeralda." He says,

"Why should I tell you? I don't know your name." I point out and he smiles.

"I'm Eoin," He says, "Eoin Knight at your service princess." He says, bowing.

"Stop it, people are staring." I hiss as I see several pair of eyes watching us curiously.

"Not until you tell me your name, princess." He says and I sigh.

"My name is Cat." I say, giving in to his game.

"Ah, princess Catharine, of course." He says, taking my hand and kissing it. "I have a gift for you." He says, bring out a plastic daisy he obviously took from the vase of plastic flowers in the corner. He tucks the flower behind my ear and I smile.

"Unfortunately though, I can't accept this for I'm not a princess." I say and he smiles, flicking back his hazel brown hair, his eyes still twinkling.

"Ah, but you see, you are to me." He says. I take one look at him, and can't help but laugh.

"This isn't working, is it?" He says, biting his lip, his smile still on his face.

"Nope, but I like that you tried, and that you are going to give up." I say with a smile, taking the flower from my hair and handing him it. "You better have this, in case anyone else takes your fancy." I say and he smile.

"I only have eyes for you." He says, popping the flower stalk between his teeth. I laugh lightly,

"I'm sure."

"Cat! There you are!" Sally says, appearing next to me looking slightly tipsy. "Oh, I hope I'm not interrupting." She says as she sees Eoin.

"No, he was just about to go and join the others." I say and he sighs, getting to his feet.

"See you around princess." He whispers with a wink before disappearing off into the crowd. Sally begins her usual squealing and quizzing that happens whenever I talk to a guy. She keeps talking but I haven't a clue what she is saying. Normally I wouldn't mind her chatter but right now I just want to be alone. Finally she is enticed away back to the crowd and I am left alone with my Guinness.

"Dear Darlin', please excuse my writing.  

I can't stop my hands from shaking  

cos I'm cold and alone tonight.  

But I'm Barely Breathing (A The Script FanFic) (Sequel to Millionaires)Where stories live. Discover now