Chapter 1

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@kalinwhite babe ?

@yuungwhiite ya ?

I bit my lip. He tweeted me back. I can't believe it.

My dms then lit up and I saw he sent me a message.

"Hey gorgeous."

I smiled.

"Hi cutie."

"How old are you?"

"How old do you want me to be?"


I smiled.

"Sorry I'm 14 && a huge fan."

"14? You look nothing like it & thank you."

"Thanks, how old I look?"

"19 haha."

I smiled again.

"I wish I was 19."


"To be with you, your 6 years older then me."

"Age is just a number baby girl."

"I love when someone calls me that."

"Haha, alright then, I'll start calling you that."

I smiled after talking for hours, I gave him my number.

I'm in Vegas and he lives in California but he's fun and easy to talk to.

Were skyping later and I'm so excited.

My mom walked in through the door getting home from work.



I could hear the bad day in her voice so I excluded myself and went upstairs to my room as Kalin was calling me over skype.

I answered and stood up finding my headphones.

Once I found them I put them on and laid on my bed holding my phone out.


I smiled.


My door opened I looked and saw my brother.

"Don't you knock?"

"Who you sexting smell?"

"Oh my god go away I dont do that stuff."

"Whatever, mom wants you to come downstairs and give her a hug."

"Ugh why she gotta be so bipolar?"

"I don't know."

I stood up.

"Alright let's go."

He started walking I held my arm out and started walking downstairs.

"Sorry hang on."

I got to the last step and my mom went ballistic.

"Whoa, I was told you wanted a hug and kiss from me from having a long day at work I don't even know what's going on."

"Don't you listen?"

She then slapped me. Kalin and I both gasped. I looked at him.

"Yo why'd she do that?"

I shrugged.

She then punched my eye.

I ran upstairs and into my room slamming the door and locking it.

I wiped my eyes as I grabbed a suitcase and filled it with clothes.
"Aye get a plane ticket for here and I'll pick you up."

A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now