Chapter 20

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The studio was so fun, I released my first 2 singles and I'm so happy.

Right now I'm at a radio interview.

"Melanie Clinton in the house how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you."

"Good thank you."


"So your 14 right?"


"Are you single? Taken? Looking?"

"I'm taken ya, I'm to young to be looking for love."

We giggled.

"Ok so you have a...?"


"Ok, you have a boyfriend, if I'm right your the one dating Kalin White from Kalin and Myles."

"Ya I am."

"There's a 6 year age difference between you guys does that put a threat on your relationship?"

"I used to think so but when we first became a couple he was always age is just a number and love has no limit so I've put it behind me."

"Awe, how is he?"

"He's good, on tour."

"That's good, a lot of girls if they were in your position would be worried that there man would leave for someone older do you feel that way?"

"I mean, there's one person he would leave me for and one person I would leave him for other then that we're the only ones in our eyes but occasionally I do see someone older and prettier then I am and get kinda scared, they'll start eyeing him and that's when I get kinda I guess defensive."

"Ya I would to man, Kalin is sweet on camera how is he off camera?"

"Same thing, I've only ever seen him mad once."

"What happened?"

"I was out hanging with friends all day and didn't come home in time I was like an hour late and he got really mad but mostly worried because my phone had died and I wasn't answering any calls or texts."

"Have you ever gotten really upset or defensive?"

"I did actually."

"Please tell us."

"Alright well, we had decided to go out to dinner after this birthday party, we went to Denny's and as we walked inside this lady was eyeing him up and down so he kissed me very passionately and I mean this was one of those sexy pinned against the car kisses I could feel all the passion and love in the kiss, so we kept walking and she was still looking so I got mad and told like yo he's my man you need to back up so we get into Denny's get seated and talk, then our waitress comes she introduces herself and flirted with Kalin until I finally snapped and was like can you not ya know were kinda together so she kissed him, yo I was so furious I legit thought I was gonna cut a chick."

"Wow, she kissed him?"

"Kissed him, y'all don't understand how happy I was when I watched him push her off and wipe his mouth off, he was so disgusted that she did that when we got home he not only brushed his teeth but brushed his lips and showered he felt so icky and embarrassed."

We all laughed a little.

"Sorry babe."

"*giggles* so you're living with his mom, you coming from an abusive mother were you kinda scared when you moved in with her?"

A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now