Chapter 25

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"Please welcome Melanie Clinton."

I walked out smiled and waved then hugged Jimmy. We went and sat down.

"You look amazing."

"Thank you, so do you."

"Thank you, now you put out 3 new singles the same day."

"No I put out 2 and gave a little teaser for the 3rd one I wanna put out."

"Oh ok, when's that coming out?"

"I've got no idea."

He laughed a little, I giggled.

"Ok, your performing your single 'honeymoon avenue' tell us about it, where'd you come up with it?"
"Uhm I actually wrote 'But I Do Love You' before I met my boyfriend, and 'Honeymoon Avenue' I wrote when we got in our first argument."

"How'd you meet him?"

"Over twitter, he's my celeb crush actually."

"Really? Is he here?"

"He is actually he's always supporting me from backstage."

"Ok, do you wanna play a game?"
"I love games."

"Really? Well this game is called wheel of musical impressions and how you play is you hit this button and whatever artist and song comes up you have to sing that song impersonating the artist."

"Ok, sounds fun."

"It is, here's your microphone."

He handed me a microphone.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, so since your my guest you get to go first."

"Ok but Jimmy."


"I use auto tune."


"I'm kidding, my voice is a hundred percent real."

"Prove it."

"Challenge accepted."

I hit the buzzer and giggled.

I watched the wheel.

"Mariah Carey, brokenhearted."

"Oh god."

I giggled.

"I just wanna say now I suck at impressions, I'm sorry Mariah Carey and I'm sorry babe for ruining the song."

We all laughed.

I cleared my throat and did the high note she does.

I giggled along with Jimmy.

"You're brokenhearted baby, he broke your heart in two, I'll tear my heart out baby to give up after you." I sang like her

Everyone clapped. I smiled.

"That was amazing, I can't top that."

I giggled.

"Thank you."

He hit the buzzer.

"Britney spears your song honeymoon avenue."

"Don't mess this up Jimmy."

We both giggled.

"When we were on honeymoon avenue, honeymoon avenue."

I clapped and giggled.

A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ