Chapter 26

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'Send me the routine.'


I got on my laptop. I'm currently on the phone with Bella.

I'm going home tomorrow but over break we had this competition no one told me about.

Now I have to learn the routine because were doing it at the basketball game on Monday.

All I really wanna do is spend time with KAM but I've got school shit to do.

"Can't you just save that for the flight home?"

"You know what I can."


I giggled.

'Is that Kalin?'


'Tell him hi.'

"Bella says hi."

He laid on top of me and said, "hi Bella" into the phone. I giggled.

'Hi Kalin!'

I wrapped an arm around him.

'Are you guys having a cute couple moment?'

'If by cute couple moment you mean him laying on top of me and my arm around him in a loving manner then yes, yes we are.'

She giggled.

'I can't believe were going back to school on Monday.'

'Ugh I know, this week went by too fast.'

'It really did, anyways I just wanted to let you know, have fun with your boyfriend.'

I smiled and looked at him, he was on his phone. I started playing with the little curls he has.

'Ya thanks, I'll see you Monday.'

'No problem, have a safe flight tomorrow, love you.'

'I will love you too.'

We then hung up. He looked up at me from his phone.

"What're you doing?" Myles came in and asked

"We bout to get it on." Kalin said

I giggled.

"You wish."

He looked at me as if he was sad. I giggled. He was by now sitting up.

My legs were still on each side of him.

I sat up and next to him throwing my arms around him and kissing his cheek.

"No I'm mad at you."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"Fine two can play at that game."

I let go of him and sat next to Myles on the opposite couch and got on my phone.

He came and grabbed my waist setting me on his lap.

I fake ignored him, he kissed my jawline. I locked my phone and stood up then sat on his lap facing him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

I pulled up snapchat and started taking a video pointing the camera to him.

He smiled.

"Its a video isn't it?"

I giggled and nodded.

"Man why you always gotta get me with that?"

"Cause its funny."

A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now