Chapter 38

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"Spill it."


"I felt the emotion in that song spill it what happened?"

I busted into tears again, he pulled me into a hug.

Out of everyone on the bus except for Kalin Myles could easily read me.

He can easily tell if I've had a bad day or not.

I stopped crying and wiped my eyes.

"What happened?"

"Kalin and I got in an argument and he said something that shattered my heart because I thought at the moment he meant it and now I can't even look at him."

"What was this argument about?"


I told Myles everything about me right when I told Bella because I knew that they'd stay with me forever and when I told Kalin about the scars I thought he'd leave me because who wants to be in a relationship with someone who has cuts on them?

When he stayed I wanted to find a good time to tell him ya know sometimes he's upset or something but he was never upset, he's always happy.

"Oh, what'd he say?"

"Kalin got made because I never told him and then we argued about Jeanine and then he said that I technically cheated when he found out Bryan is the one who raped me he said I had sex with him and then he said that my razors could help with the pain and it broke me."

"He said that?"

I nodded.

"You wanna sleep with me tonight?"

I nodded. He hugged me then we walked out.

"Kalin your sure you don't need to use the bathroom?"

"Ya, if I end up needing something I'll just come in there."


I walked back into the bathroom and started the tub putting bubbles in it.

I stripped and got in and just relaxed.

Kalin's P.O.V

"Aye what did you do with my girlfriend in the bathroom?"

"Just talked she told me about your guys' argument and that's a really messed up thing to say to her K."

"Yo I know I didn't mean it and I didn't mean to break her heart, what'd she say to you?"

"She said you really hurt her, so much she can't look at you with out crying."

I got really mad at myself.

"Man I never wanted to hurt her, I'm so stupid at times."

"I know, she's gonna sleep with me tonight, just get some sleep ok?"

I nodded and shut off the light taking my shirt off and laying in bed with my hand around my head and other hand on my stomach.

I was so mad though.

I shook my head and got out of bed walking into the bathroom, she looked at me then rested her head back on the tub and closed her eyes.

I closed the door and locked it.

It was silent for a little bit until she spoke up.

"I know Myles told you about our talk."

I was sitting next to the tub looking down until I looked at her when she said that.

She looked at me.

"Don't say anything just listen."

I nodded.

"One boyfriend before you that's it, I thought he was gonna be mine forever but instead I caught him kissing my best friend in the school hallway so we ended things. This was when I was 13. I never talked to him since that day happened and I took to summer to forget about it and get over my broken heart, I fell into depression became anorexic, a cutter and fragile at the same time I was getting abused. My sister begged me to tell you about him because she knows how crazy about you I am and I've been so in love with you for 4 years except I never knew I could love someone so much until we met this year. I like to be independent sometimes and I like to forget about things but I can't forget what you said to me because what you said is worst then what I did but not telling you about Bryan was the greatest thing because you helped me forget about him and the hurt he put me through."

I bit my lip.

I never meant to hurt her, I love her to much.

"Jeanine was special to me she loved me for me and not my fame in a way she was like you except she was my age which caused a lot of drama between us, we broke up because I just couldn't take it, she was jealous of all my fans and never really fully understood what I do. But you, you understand perfectly and now you're doing it too, you're going through having a musical career and I love that I can tell you about something and you understand completely. I never meant to hurt you baby you know that."

She nodded.

"Ya I do know but it doesn't mean I can't get upset about something."

"I know and I want you to know that I'm so incredibly sorry baby, I love you."

"I love you too pooh bear which is why I hate you so much sometimes."

We both giggled.

I set my chin on the edge of the tub by her head, she pecked my lips.

"I'm still sleeping with Myles tonight."

"Fine by me he better not try anything."

"No promises!" We heard him shout

She giggled and I smiled.

Melanie's P.O.V

"Hand me my towel please."

He stood up and I unplugged the tub. He handed me my towel and I stood up wrapping it around me.

He helped me out.

"I'm gonna go for a walk, I'm still pretty upset with myself."

"Ok be safe."


He kissed me.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He started walking away but I grabbed his hand, he looked at me.

"How long are you gonna be gone?"

"I don't know."

He lifted me up and set me on the counter.

"I'll be safe I'm probably just gonna walk out to the bus or go get something to eat but I'll be back I promise."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

We pulled away.

"I'll be back later."


He pecked my lips and left.

I got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth then walked out and saw Myles was on his phone.

I went and grabbed mine then laid next to him and got on Instagram.

I then shut my phone off and plugged it in and faced him, he did too.

"Thanks Myles."

"Of course."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now