Chapter 34

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Today we are making the music video to 'Wildest Dreams'. Kalin is in it because he's my boyfriend he's tall, and handsome and there's kissing in this video and I only felt comfortable kissing him.

Right now we are taking a break.

There's a camera for behind the scenes.

"So, so far we've gotten scene one done which was the bedroom scene and so now they are getting me ready for the scene where I am standing in the field in a nice dress."


We finished the shoot.

"We finished the shoot its now *checks pockets* I don't have my phone babe!"


He walked up to me.

"Do you have my phone."

"Ya its in my back pocket."

He had his hands full so he turned around and I got it.

"Thank you."


"So its midnight and we finished the shoot, I'm super tired my favorite part was the kissing scenes, we probably shot those like 20 times *looks at Kalin* *Kalin nods*. Shout out to Bart Baker I watch his parodies and they're hilarious I hope he makes one for this one. I had a great time today my first music video and I'm super excited for you guys to see it, I love you guys thank you for your love and support let's skeddit! Yee!"

Myles came charging at me. I stepped back and let him run past and he almost ran into the wall.

I giggled and ran up to him.

"I'm sorry Myles."

I hugged him. He threw me over his shoulder. I giggled.

"Kalin help me!"

"Mmm... I'm liking the view of your butt from down there."

"Ugh! Myles put me down or I'll tickle you."

He put me down so fast.

I giggled and looked at Kalin.

"Now you don't get to touch my butt when we cuddle tonight."


"That's what you get."

He then threw me over his shoulder.

"No baby!"

"Say you love me."

"I love you."

Hr brought me so my legs were around his waist. I giggled.

"I love you too."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.


We're on the bus now and Kalin and I just had a heated make out session I mean there is hickeys everywhere.

"I have a show tonight."

I giggled.

"Sucks to be you."

"Actually no I love being me."

I smiled.

"Me too."

He kissed me.

There about to go on stage now, I added more hickeys on him and he did to me also.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

He pecked my lips and walked out.

"Good job on all the hickeys." Ben said

I giggled.

"Thanks, we kinda had a hickey war."

He laughed a little.

"You won kiddo."

"We tied but I won in life when I first met him and knew he liked me."

"How'd you know?"

"The way he acted around me, I know he's always a flirt but he way way flirtier then usual."

"He would not stop talking about you whenever we were in the studio."

I smiled.

"He really is my everything Ben along with my fans and the family I've made with everyone who has to do with the guys."

"What do you see me as?"



I looked at him.

"The uncle I always wanted or a big brother."

"I see you as a little sister also."

I smiled.


Its end of the show and Kalin stopped singing.

"Stop the music real quick Jake."

"Kalin what's wrong?" Myles asked

"I got a cramp in my leg."

"Alright Mel's gonna come help you out." Ben said into his wrist so the guys can hear

I walked out as they screamed I smiled and waved.

"What's wrong where's it at?"

"My calf."

I got on my knees and started rubbing it.


He nodded.


I stood up.

"Do you need a banana or something?"

"If I get another one then yes please but for right now I'll have like 3 when I get off."


"Thank you."


He pecked my lips and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and brought his microphone to his mouth.

"We were gonna wait to do this but since you're out here we have something for you."

I soon felt something wet on me and gasped turning around seeing Ben threw a bucket of water on me.

The guys then pulled silly string out and silly stringed me.

Cameron and Ben pulled out ketchup and chocolate syrup and sprayed that on me also.

When they finished I got another bucket of water thrown on me.

Kalin was singing again as I wiped my eyes. I did a hair flip and got them.

I got off the stage and hugged the fans in the front making sure to get them.

I them got squirt guns and sprayed them making sure to get people in the back the best.

I got the guys also but careful with Jakes equipment.

I looked at a fan.

"Wanna try?"

She nodded. I handed her the gun and she got me.

I gasped and giggled then got the gun back and sprayed her.

We both giggled and I went back onto the stage.

"Aye before we leave y'all wanna hit the quan?!"

"Let's skeddit!"

They all put there microphones down.

"Do it with us."

I nodded. Jake got the music on.

We all started doing the dance.

"Thank you Mt. Pleaseant we love you!"

Kalin wrapped his arm around me and we walked off stage.

I showered and cuddled with Kalin the rest of the night.

A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now