Chapter 13

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I pulled my phone out for video.

"What's up y'all I'm bout to surprise Kalin, he's currently playing basketball, I got outta school early so I'm walking up to the court he plays at. It isn't far from school and I'm in my cheer outfit, squad is supposed to meet there for practice."

I walked into the gym he usually plays at and saw the rest of the cheer squad and Kalin sitting down on Snapchat or doing something with his phone.

I switched the camera around and handed it to Bella then walked over to him.

He saw me and smiled standing up.

"How'd you get here?"

"I walked."


"Ya, I have practice here anyways."


"Are you gonna stand there or hug me?"

"I'm all sweaty."


"That's it I'm just sweaty."

"Congrats now give me a hug and kiss."

He hugged me lifting me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

His arms were around my waist.

He was very sweaty but I didn't care, I wanted to be in his arms and I am.

"Who's winning so far?"

"I am Cam keeps trying but he's not gonna win."

I giggled.

"Ok baby."

"How was school?"

"Good, were about to practice."

"Oh really?"


"Your gonna distract me."

"Were gonna be on the opposite side."


I kissed him.

"Ill see you later."


We kissed again, I heard a camera snap and we pulled away.

He set me down and I walked to Bella getting my phone.



I stopped the video and edited it real quick then posted it to Instagram with the caption

'Even though he was super sweaty I didn't care, I wanted my hug and kiss and got it, so lucky to have him, be careful during b-ball babe don't hurt yourself, I'll cheer for you! '

I saw him comment

'Thank you for the surprise baby girl, you're amazing, I don't know what I would do without you in my life, I won't hurt myself.'

I smiled and went onto practice.

Practice ended and I went to watch Kalin play basketball.

He saw me.

"Aye last basket if I make it you kiss me, if I don't make it I kiss you."

"So its a win win both side?"


"I'll take it."

He bounced the ball twice and shot it into the basket. He made it.

I stood up on the bleachers he came and wrapped his arms around me spinning around.

I giggled. He was even more sweatier then before.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him.

He sat on the bleachers and I sat next to him, he pulled his phone out and got on Snapchat.

"Ok so, I am even sweatier then before and she's in her cheer outfit and she still hugged me."

He posted that and started another one.

"My own mom won't even hug me when I'm sweating."

I giggled and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"Babe you could be covered in horse poop and I'll still be hugging and kissing you."

The video ended and he posted it then got off his phone and looked at me.

I cupped his cheeks and kissed him.

A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now