Chapter 27

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Today is the 22nd I've been home for a week and miss Kalin soooo much.

Things at school got better until yesterday.

Yesterday I was getting physically bullied this time same as today.

I don't let Starlah see my cuts and bruises cause she's gonna make a big deal out of it and tell Kalin and I don't wanna tell him not yet.

"Hey sweetie."

I smiled.

"Hey mama."

"What's up with the shades you're in the house take them off."

I bit my lip.

"I'd rather not, I'm gonna go shower."

I walked into my room and grabbed clothes then went to the bathroom and called Kalin like normal.



"Hey baby how was school?"

"The usual, how was last night's show?"

"The usual, we miss you on the bus."

"I miss you guys too, I'm gonna shower I'll text you."

"Ok, have fun and be safe if you go anywhere."

"I will, I love you pooh bear."

"I love you too princess."



We hung up. I set my phone down and carefully took my shirt off wincing as I did.

There was a knock on the door.


"Sweetie open up please."

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body opening the door.

"Hey I just wanted to let you know that when you get out of the shower dinner is on the stove, Lala and I are gonna go to Julies."

"Ok thanks."


"Drive safe love you."

"I will love you too."

I closed the door and locked it then stripped the rest of the way and got in the shower.

Once I got out I dressed and then covered my black eye with makeup.

I then texted Kalin and walked out.

Starlah was sitting on the couch with her phone in her hands.

"I thought you left."

"I did and then I got a call from Elizabeth's mother who got a call from the principal."

"Ok and?"

"And why didn't you tell me she's bullying you?"

"What're you talking about she doesn't bully me."


I nodded.

She walked up to me and wiped my face with a wet rag. I gasped.


I pulled away.

"Melanie, honey you can tell me anything."

"I know I just, I was being cyberbullied and Kalin took care of it and then starting yesterday I was getting physically bullied by someone else, I just didn't want you telling Kalin and him stressing about me being here and his performances it's just to much for him."

A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now