Chapter 4

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I woke up this morning and Kalin wasn't in bed.

I frowned and got on my phone. I saw he texted me so I texted him back and got out of bed.

I showered and got dressed then did my hair and makeup and got my shoes on.

I grabbed my phone and backpack and walked downstairs.

I ate some food and then watched a little TV before I got my bag and keys and walked out.
I locked the door and walked to the bus stop seeing some friends.

"Hey girlys."

We all hugged.


"Oh my god dude Kalin White got a girlfriend the same day you got a boyfriend." My friend Christy said

My friend Bella and I exchanged looks and giggled.

"Dude I am his girlfriend."

"But he can go away for that?"

"Only if we do something and get caught, guys we don't even care about the age difference you can put a limit on love, age is just a number anyways."

"I don't believe it."

"Ya no one does."

"I do, I think you guys are totally cute together."



"Speaking of where is he, doesn't he usually give you a ride?"

"Ya he's just in the studio."

They nodded.

"God I miss him, I wanna just hold him and kiss him."


I giggled.

"I still can't believe he's mine."

"Well he is."

We all smiled. I saw his car drive by, he pulled over and parked shutting off the car and walking over here.

I opened my arms and he engulfed me in a hug wrapping his arms around my waist mine around his neck.

"Good morning princess."

"Morning prince charming."

He pecked my lips.

"How's the music coming along?"


I pecked his lips.

"Babe this is my friend Christy and other friend Bella, girls this is Kalin my boyfriend."



"Hey, your girls want a ride?"

"Uhm ya."


Kalin laced our fingers, we carefully walked across the street and got in the car.

"What time did you leave baby?"

"You fell asleep right as your head hit the pillow and then Ben called me in so I met up with Myles at like 10.30 I'm so tired babe."

"Did you get any naps?"

"A little maybe like 5 minutes."

"How tired are you?"

"I could probably stay up for like an hour then I'll be as tired as you were last night."

A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now