Chapter 10

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Kalins P.O.V

As hard as that was for me to do, she needs to know just cause were in a relationship doesn't mean she can disobey me and get away with it.

My mom knows how to handle teens, I can't be her boyfriend and guardian I find it unfair.

I walked into the guest room and saw she was asleep.

Sighing I walked out knowing I can't soften up and lay next to her and go to sleep no matter how badly I wanna do it.

I walked into my room and called my mom.


"Hey mama."

"Hi honey."

"Mom I can't be her guardian and boyfriend."

"What happened?"

"She went out with the cheer squad today and I told her to be home by 8.00 she was an hour late and so I grounded her but as her boyfriend I just wanna cuddle with her and be a softy and *sighs* I know I can't and I was just wondering if you'll be her guardian please."

"Awe my baby is in love, yes I'll be her guardian."

"Is that what its called?"

"How do you feel around her."

I smiled.

"Just thinking about her makes me smile."

"You are in love, that's good, I like this girl, I know her age but it doesn't matter to me cause you don't ever find a girl who loves you as much as she does."

"She loves me?"

"Yes I can tell because I was as in love with your dad as you 2 are."

"I feel so bad we got in a little argument, its our first one and i got her mad enough she isn't even sleeping in here."

"Well how about this, she'll move in with me and you'll just have to come over and visit."

"Speaking of is lala awake?"

"No she just went to sleep, maybe you should talk to her and let her know you only give her these rules because you wanna protect her and let her know after school I'll come over and get her stuff."


"Good night Kalin."

"Night mom."

"I love you sweetie."

"I love you too mom."

I hung up and looked at the door seeing Mel was there.

"I couldn't sleep but now that I've heard this I won't have a problem."

"Mel talk to me about this baby please."

I got up and walked to where she is.

"Kalin I don't want to be anyone's responsibility, I wanna stay here and cuddle with you all the time, I can't do that at your moms."

"I can't be your guardian and boyfriend, I had to make a decision and I went with the least stupidest one, what would you rather I gave you up instead."

"No I just..."

She sighed.


"I just I don't know, I've never had someone care about me as much as you did, at least not since my dad came here, whenever I was late I was beat you'd expect me to be home earlier but no instead I stay out later to avoid getting beat."

A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now