Chapter 40

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Right now I'm at the store with Ben buying Kalin his Black Ops 3 game.

He's been wanting it so I'm getting it for him.

We got back to the bus and walked on.

"Pooh bear!"



He came into the living room type place.


He kissed me then we pulled away.

"You are gonna love me more then you already do."

"What did you do?"

"You know how you've been wanting that Black Ops 3 game?"


I pulled it out and handed it to him.

"No way! You bought it for me?"

"I sure did."

"Thank you baby."


"Ima go play this."

I giggled and grabbed my phone sitting next to him. He set up the game then sat back down next to me.

"Let me see the case babe."

He handed me the case I got on Snapchat and took a picture then posted it saying

'Probably best gf ever!'

I saved the snap then posted it to Instagram with the caption

'Probably won't be seeing or hearing from Kalin much today.'

I then posted the same thing to twitter.

"Here, play with me."

He handed me a controller.


We both started playing.

After hours of playing we decided to take a break. I saw on Instagram that Myles posted a picture of Kalin and I playing and put in the caption

'Mel surprised him with the Black Ops 3 game he's been wanting and now there playing it together, legit goals right now!'

I looked at Kalin.

"Baby look."

He saw the picture.

"We looked so focused."

I giggled.


I just had a little meet and greet and now I'm walking onto the bus as the guys are making a video.

I stopped.

"My baby is back."

I smiled and walked over to Kalin, he wrapped his arms around me and stood up walking off the bus.

I giggled.

"What're you doing?"

"Getting some alone time with you."

He set me down on a swing at the park. I giggled. He got on his knees between my legs so he was about as tall as I am.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him then pulled away.

"I'll race you."

"On what?"

"Who can get the highest."

"You're on."

He stood up and got on the other swing.

We both got ready.





We started swinging.

I swung higher then him and then stopped and so did he.

"I clearly won."

"You won the swing, but I won the girl."

I giggled and stood up walking to him between his legs.

"How was the meet and greet?"

"At first it was weird because it was my first meet and greet by myself but then it was fun and then it turned lit I got so much stuff from fans and as I met more and more beauties the more I realized I'm truly blessed."

"I'm glad to see you back to your old self."

"I'm glad to be back to my old self."

"Gimme a kiss."

I got close and before we kissed I brought my head up.

"You want me you gotta catch me."

I ran off, he chased me and eventually caught me. I giggled.

"When are you gonna realize you never win at this."

"Haven't you met me? I'm a very hard headed person."

He smiled and pecked my cheek repeatedly. I giggled because of his scruffiness.

"Babe that tickles."

"What you wanna be tickled?"

He started tickling me. I busted into a fit of giggles.

"Give give give give."

He stopped. I calmed down on laughing and he lifted me over his shoulder.

"Now what're you doing?"

"We've gotta get going I've got rehearsals."


He moved me so I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

"I know but my next day off ima spend it with just you."


"We'll go on a date."

"Ooooo, we haven't gone on one in a while."

"I know that's gonna change, we'll do a once a month type thing."

"Sounds amazing to me."

"You're amazing."

"You're perfect."



We both giggled. I cupped his cheeks and kissed him as he walked into the arena and where they are performing.

We pulled away and pecked lips repeatedly.

He set me down and I took his snapback.

He pecked my lips and walked over to start rehearsing.

Ben pulled me out of the room.


A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now