Chapter 19

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Today is the 5th.

Ever since Ellen I've gotten a little more followers and people are starting to notice me outside of the house and at school.

I'm actually at the store with mama star right now and on the phone with him.

"Mama can we get some oreos?"

"Ya, if you see them let me know."


"What store are y'all at?"


"Oh, man she loves it there."

"I know."

We walked out of the isle and saw some girls who stopped and dropped their jaws when they saw us.

"Are you Kalin whites girlfriend and mom?"

"Ya we are." Mama star said

"Can we get a picture with you?"

"Of course."

"Hold on babe."

I heard him say ight then I moved the phone from my ear to my side and stood next to one of the girls.

Mama stood in between them. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and smiled looking at there mom who took the picture.
"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Can I get a follow on Instagram and twitter?"


"What's your twitter tag me in a tweet."

We giggled. I brought the phone back up to my ear.

"But for real though on Twitter tweet all your social medias to me and I'll follow you on them if I have them make sure to tag me in the tweet though."


"Bye thank you."

"Bye you're welcome, tell KAM we love them."

"I will."

We then went on.

"Ok hello?"

"Hey what was that all about?"

"I met some fans, they said they love you guys."

"Love them too are you still with them?"


"Can you go back? I wanna say hi."



"Kalin wants to say hi to them."

"Go on."

"Ok you can say hi."

I jogged up to the girls.

"Hey girls sorry to bother you but I have someone on the phone who wants to say hi, you can't freak out though you have to stay quiet ok?"


I handed the girl the phone.

"Hello...oh my god hi...I'm are you...she was fine very kind...yo I just wanna say thank you, you and Myles have helped my sister and I get through so much we wouldn't of been able to get through the hard time without you guys thank you and please don't ever stop what your doing...ya...ok bye."

She handed the phone to her sister and then hugged me as she started crying.

I hugged back.


A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now