Chapter 15

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Today Kalin and I are going to a birthday party.

Kalin came running in here as I took my curling iron out of my hair.

He had his phone pointed at me.

"What're you doing?"

"Taking a video."


"Cause your beautiful."

"Awe thank you, your beautiful too."

We both giggled. He moved his phone up and down my body.

"Looking gorgeous as always."

"Thank you."

I did the last curl and turned off my iron and unplugged it.

I took the glove off and loosened my curls a little by running my hand through my hair.

I then added some hairspray and looked at Kalin. He still had his phone out.

"Do a little cat walk."

I giggled and walked into the room getting my heels on.

"Alright you ready?"


I rested my arms on the sides of my body and held a straight face as I strutted into the bathroom.

Kalin sat on the side of the tub with his phone still out.

"Work it girl."

I bit the insides of my lips to keep from giggling.

Once I finished I giggled.

"Beautiful darling." He said in a English accent

I giggled.

"Your a dork."

"Ya well this dork is gonna kiss you on video."

He turned his phone around and held it out then kissed me. We pulled away and I smiled.

He made a face in the camera and then stopped it and switched it to his front facing camera.

"Let's take a picture together."


He held his phone out. I looked at him, he made a serious face and I heard his camera click.

"One more."

He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in kissing me, I put a hand on his cheek as he snapped the picture we pulled away.

"Send that to me."

"Ok, let's go so we aren't late."


I grabbed my phone and put it in my clutch. Yes I'm gonna hold it the entire night.

Maybe I'll leave it in the car we'll find out.

We left the house locking it and got in the car.

Were gonna pick up Bari and go eat some food. Then were going to a birthday party.

"Here send the picture to you and then post them on instagram please."


I sent them to me and then posted them on Instagram.

"What did you want in the caption?"

"Something cute I don't have anything in mind."


A 14 year old KAM FAM (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now