Chapter One

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"Oli, will you keep the noise down please?" I shout down the stairs to my housemate and best friend. Slamming my bedroom door, I grab my headphones and try and block out the noise. Every night, Oli watches the most inane tv shows but for some reason this one makes her scream with laughter. She tries to get me to watch it but I just don't find it funny, and I'd rather be reading. Don't get me wrong, I love comedy but this show is just stupid. Sighing, I try and get back to my book.

Half an hour later, Oli comes bursting into my room even more excitable than normal. As usual, she doesn't wait for me to take my headphones out before starting to talk. "...coming here! Next month. You have to come with me. Please Shae. I know you don't like the show but..." I waved my hands in front of her face to shut her up. "Oli, what the hell are you talking about?"
Oli took a deep breath and started again. "The Impractical Jokers. Are coming to the UK. Next month. Please come?" She throws me her patented puppy dog eyes, the ones she knows I can never refuse her.
"Oli...really? I can't stand that show. It's so stupid. Do I have to?"
She threw herself down on my bed and grabbed my hand. "Seriously, their live shows are completely different. You love stand up, right? They're an improv group. At least give them a chance. For me?" Cue eyelash fluttering, pouting and even bigger puppy dog eyes.
"Urgh, god Oli. Ok. But you owe me. Massively." She threw herself at me and gave me the biggest hug before launching herself off the bed to her room.
"I'm booking tickets right now!" She shouted from her room. "And I'm getting the meet and greet!"
Shaking my head, I stuck my headphones back on and tried to think about what Oli can do to pay me back for this.

A month later, and I'm sat on Oli's bed while she tries to decide what to wear. "What does it matter Oli? It's only a show."
Oli threw the dress she was holding down on the floor and stared at me. "Shae, it's not just a show. They are never over here, it's a big thing. And there are photos! I need to look good!!" I chuckled, shaking my head. I forgot how much of a fan girl my best friend can be. We used to be massive fan girls for so many bands and comedians back in the day, but we pretty much grew out of it over the last few years. Or I did, at least. Oli seems to be reverting to our previous form with these guys. I just didn't get it. I tried watching the show, I really did. If my best friend loves it, I had to give it a go. But I just didn't see the appeal in four almost-40 year olds making tits of themselves for no reason other than to not make bigger tits of themselves in a punishment. And they weren't exactly lookers either. I mean, I'm not a shallow person but meh.

I shook myself out of my daydream and looked at Oli. She had finally decided what to wear. She was wearing an Impractical Jokers team t-shirt, which one Sal was I had no idea. "You done?" I asked, standing up. She nodded and looked over what I had on. "You changing?" I looked down at my standard dress of band t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans and battered converse. "Nope!" I replied, grinning. "Just got to grab my hat and jacket then I'm ready to go."

Oli was a bunch of hyperactive nerves as we queued for the meet and greet. By the time we were near the front of the queue, I practically had to hold her down to stop her bouncing around. "Oh by the way," I said, as we moved to the front of the line, "You're coming to The Black Keys with me tomorrow for this." Oli spun round, groaning. "Oh Shae. What? You know I don't like them!" I shrugged. "Yeah, well, now you know how it feels." We're ushered into the room with Oli still moaning. I turn back to Oli as we walk "Dude they are a fucking awesome band, I still don't get how you don't like them." She nudged and shushed me as we turned the corner for the meet and greet.

The second we turned the corner, we were greeted with shouts and hellos and cheers. Oli was beaming as she started chatting to them. I just kind of hung back, smiling as I watched my best friend meet some of her favourite people. They may not have been mine, but I was happy she was happy. I pulled out my phone, and leant against the wall. I was so distracted that I didn't notice someone walk up to me. "You ok there?" I turned to look at the husky American voice and came face to face with a tall, beardy guy in a hat. "Erm, yeah thanks." I smiled. He was kind of cute, definitely my type.
"Did you want a photo or...?" He gestured towards the group, so I assumed he was one of their management team or something. "I'm good thanks. I'm just here for my friend. She's the fan."
"Oh, so you're not?"
"Eh." I didn't want to be completely honest, I'm not a total bitch. "I've only watched a couple of shows." That would do. He nodded. I thought he would go back to whatever it was he was doing before, but he stayed stood with me.
"So you like The Black Keys?" He asked, gesturing towards my tee.
I nodded "Love them!" I pointed to Oli. "I'm dragging this one to see them tomorrow."
"Payback for her dragging you here?" He guessed.
I laughed "Something like that, yeah."
"We're here for a while, I might see if I can get tickets. Not seen them in ages."
"You like them?" I asked. He nodded. "Might see you there then." I grinned. Nothing wrong with a little flirtation while I wait for my friend, right?
He smiled back and held his hand out. "I'm Brian." I shook his hand. "Shae." "Well, Shae, I should be getting back." I nodded and smiled, watching him briefly before going back to my phone and waiting for Oli to finish.

Oli came bounding up to me, massive grin on her face and dragged me towards the door. "How happy are you right now?" I asked, laughing. "Like, the happiest!" she squealed. "You didn't meet them?" she asked. I shook my head. "This was your thing chick, I didn't need to." I linked my arm through hers and gave her a squeeze. "Come on, let's go get some drinks before the show starts."

After Oli got herself a glass of wine to calm her fangirl self down, and I bought a beer and a whiskey, we went to find our seats. Oli had got us seats towards the middle of the theatre. She wanted to be at the front but surprisingly they had sold out pretty quickly. I nursed the whiskey while Oli recounted the last half hour back to me until the lights went down. I dug into my bag for my glasses, and groaned when I realised I had left them at home. I would be able to see bugger all tonight without them. At least it wasn't something I was bothered about.

Quickly the lights went down and the PR announced that 'The Tenderloins' were due to come on stage. Confused, I whispered to Oli "I thought this was Impractical Jokers?" Oli glared at me. "I told you they were an improv group, that's their name. Now shhh." The guys came on stage, not that I could see more than man-shaped blurs. They were introduced as Sal, Murr, Joe & Q. The voices sounded familiar, from hearing the constant blaring of the TV show I guess. I tried to pay attention, but there really wasn't any point when I couldn't see anything so I excused myself to go to the bathroom and made my way back to the bar. Hopefully Oli wouldn't kill me too much.

"DUDE!! What the fuck?!" Oli came running out at the end of the show, punching me in the arm when she reached me at the bar.
"Ow!" I hit her back, missing the mark slightly due to the 5th whiskey I had just finished.
"You disappear, then don't come back? Rude!"
"I went to the bar then they wouldn't let me back in." I pointed to the stewards. No one will know that's not wholly true. Oli scowled at them before turning back to me.
"Urgh, Rubbish. It was amazing. So funny. I have face ache from laughing. Come on, let's go home." She dragged me off my stool and linked arms with me, helping me through the crowds and out on the street.
Walking towards the bus stop, I noticed a crowd of people down one of the side streets. Feeling guilty about abandoning Oli, I dragged her down the next street along on a hunch.
"What are you doing?" She asked as I pulled her along. I stopped by a battered door and sat on the kerb.
"This is where they will come out. Everyone thinks it's that other door but it's not. Sit and wait and you can chat to them again...if you want."
Oli sat down beside me and hugged me. "Thank you babe." I rested my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes. I had had more whiskey than I thought.

I must have drifted off because when Oli jumped up my head nearly hit the pavement. "Urgh, cheers Oli." I mumbled, wiping my hands on my jeans as I stood. I noticed Oli had already gone over to talk to one of the two guys that had come out of the door. The other guy was Brian. I straightened my hat and kind of half waved at him. "Hey."
"Hey. What are you doing back here?" He shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets as she spoke. I jerked my head towards Oli. "I kinda owed her. I may or may not have got lost at the bar for most of the show."
Brian laughed out loud "So how much did you miss?"
"Well I saw the introductions..." I shrugged.
He laughed again and shook his head. "Ah you didn't miss much really."
"Yeah I'm sure." I smiled. I turned to look at Oli and she now had more people with her, so I was guessing that they were the other Jokers/Tenderloins/whatever...
Brian followed my gaze and cleared his throat. "Listen, I've got to get off now. So I got a ticket for The Black Keys tomorrow." I nodded, smiling. "I was erm, wondering if maybe..."
"Hey Brian..." I interrupted, "How about I give you my number and you can meet me and Oli there?" I'm really not one to beat around the bush with things. Plus like I said before, cute.
He grinned at me and handed me his phone. I quickly typed my number in and called it, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. "Now I'll know it's you when you call." I said, handing it back to him. I walked back towards Oli, before turning back and calling "See you around, Brian." I ran up to Oli and jumped on her back, kissing her on the cheek. "Ready to go, Ol?" She nodded, and quickly said goodbye to the guys.

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