Chapter Four

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Brian ran through the corridors, dragging me behind him. We made it to the side of the stage with seconds to spare.
"Where the fuck have you been?" Murr whispered furiously. "We're about to go on!"
Brian looked at me and we both burst out laughing. I had to lean back on the wall to catch my breath. "Urgh never mind, come on..." Murr pushed Brian ahead of him and onto the stage as they called their names.

"We will discuss what just happened, but not yet. You will watch this show even if it kills me. Watch yo man, Shae!" Oli laughed and pulled me down onto the sofa at the side of the stage. I was happy enough to go along with that. We say through the first half of the show, laughing til we cried. They were so funny! I felt bad for not giving them a chance before. Every now and again Brian would look over at us, at me. Almost every single time Oli and and I were in bits laughing.

As soon as they announced the interval, Oli dragged me outside. "I don't want to lose you again to Q so spill it. Now." I pulled her over to the kerb and sat down, quickly running through what had happened after we left the green room.
"I couldn't help it," I started, "he was being this lame ass flirt and it was so cute that I just really wanted to kiss him. So I did."
"And...?" Oli pushed for more information.
"And oh my god!!" I laughed. "That is all I am saying. Now can we get back inside please? I need a drink."
"You need something alright." Oli replied and she pulled me up from the ground.

The green room was mostly empty when we walked back in, with just Sal and Joe in the room. I grabbed a beer from the cooler and sat down beside Sal. "About before..." I started.
"Hey don't worry about it. Your business is your business." He smiled kindly.
"Eh, I couldn't give two shits about me. But Brian...Q...just didn't want you guys ripping into him about it. Take it easy on him, yeah?"
"It's not me you need to's loud mouth over there." He pointed to Joe, who was tucking into a big slice of pizza.
"Oli, this guy could give you a run for your money in the eating game!" I shouted across the room, pointing at Joe. This immediately started a heated discussion between the two of them over who could eat the most pizza. My best friend might have been a little dot but she could sure pack away the food.

Brian came back into the room just as the end-of-interval call came. He rounded Sal and Joe up before coming over and taking my hand. "I didn't realise you were in here, sorry. I would have come back. I guessed you would have been talking to Oli the whole time."
I squeezed his hand "it's ok. Sal has just been telling me some very interesting things!" I winked at Sal, who laughed at Brian's confused face.
"Don't worry dude. I haven't told her anything she couldn't find out from that one." He nodded over at Oli, chuckling.
I play punched Sal on the shoulder. "Oi. Don't knock my bestie. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her." Brian punched Sal too, a little harder. "Yeah, don't knock her." To me, he said "walk with me back?" I nodded and followed him out of the door.

"We're going for food after...did you and Oli want to come with?" Brian asked as we walked back towards the stage.
"Erm, we can do. If the others don't mind, that is?"
"No of course they won't. They like you guys." Brian's smiled.
"Hmmm...Murr didn't look too impressed with me before..." I don't think he liked me much.
"Nah he's was just stressing because I wasn't there. Nothing to do with you." He pushed my hair back from my face and stroked my cheek with his fingers. "I promise." He whispered, before kissing me gently. "God Shae, I can't get enough of you."
I rested my forehead against his. "Well you're gonna have to...there's hundreds of people out there waiting for you." As the others rounded the corner, I pushed him towards the stage doors and slapped him on the arse. "Go on with you!"

The second half of the show was just as funny as the first. All the stuff with Brian aside, I was glad I got to see it. I could see why Oli loved them so much now. Just before the end of the show, we made our way back to the green room. I quickly told Oli that we had been invited for food with the guys, and after an impressively small amount of fan girling, she decided that tonight would be the perfect opportunity to prove Joe wrong. I shook my head and laughed at her.

We sat patiently waiting while the guys faffed and got all their stuff together. Every now and again Brian would look over at me and smile that sweet smile of his. When they were all packed up,he grabbed my hand and instructed us to lead the way to the food, it was our choice. I let Oli decide where to take them...she wanted to have an eating competition with Joe, she can pick what they eat. She chose late night 50's style diner on the seafront. I'm pretty sure they had a burger challenge or something. I didn't care where we went, as long as I could have a drink and the night didn't have to end.

We ordered drinks at the bar then the six of us squeezed into one booth. It was a tight fit but we just about managed. While Joe and Oli looked over the menu, the rest of us chatted about Brighton and Birmingham. Murr was telling me how they had 2 free days in Brighton before heading up Birmingham for the gig there. I gave them a few suggestions on what to do and where to go, until we were interrupted by Joe, who was ready to order. We quickly looked over the menus and ordered.

I scooched Brian out of the way so I could get another drink from the bar, but instead of going back to the table I walked outside with my whisky, sat on one of the chairs and watched the sea. It was so calm and peaceful, a stark contrast to inside the diner where I could still hear my best friend arguing with Joe. I leant back, resting my head on the back of the chair and closed my eyes. The sound of the waves soothed me. A little quiet time after the crazy of the last few hours was what I needed.

So when I hear footsteps and a chair scaling across from me, I sigh quietly. I open my eyes and Brian is sat there, watching me. "S'up Mr Quinn?" I asked as I sat up.
He looked at me for a few seconds, I could see he was debating something internally. "Stay. With me I mean. Tonight. If you want..."
"Ok." I answered immediately, cutting him off. "Just hope Oli doesn't mind driving home on her own though..."
"She told me to come and ask you...she said it might stop my, and I quote, 'stupid puppy dog eyes'!"
I laughed. "That girl has no filter."

As if on cue, Oli appeared at the diner door and yelled that our food was ready. Brian pulled me out of my seat and into his arms, giving me a quick kiss before leading me back into the diner. Our food was on the table when we sat back down. Joe was almost bouncing in his seat, waiting to do this bloody eating challenge with Oli. They had a ridiculous amount of food between them,but it wasn't anything I hadn't seen Oli do before. I tucked into my burger while they scoffed and laughed. All the while,I was very aware of how close Brian was sitting, and how his hand was resting on my lower back.

I let my mind wander to Brian once I'd finished eating, he wanted me to stay with him. I knew what that meant and I as cool with it. I just didn't want to get labelled as a groupie, or worse. The dreaded "chuckle fucker" title. The comedy worlds very own word for fans that sleep with comedians. But I guess technically, I'm not a fan. Or I wasn't anyway. And actually, fuck it. I don't care. I'm likely to never see him again after this, so I may as well have some fun. I silently willed everyone to hurry up and finish so we could leave. I tapped my foot, suddenly impatient, only stopping when Brian moved his hand to my knee and squeezed. "Be patient," he whispered, smiling. "We'll be out of here soon" He nodded in the direction of my best friend, who was down to her last few bites. I looked a Joe, he had a face of panic as he realised he may actually get beaten by a girl.

Never one to pass up an opportunity to wind someone up I said "So in your show, if you fail a challenge there's a punishment right?" I glanced at Oli, who was on her last bite. Joe was still lagging behind. "Surely this should be the same? What's the punishment for the loser?"

Sal and Murr started coming up with something that Joe could do, because Oli was almost done. I whispered to Brian "Do you think they'd notice if we left?" He shook his head. "Good. Come on then." I pushed him out of the booth and we hurried out of the door before anyone noticed. Brian all but dragged me to their hotel, the second we were in the lift he pushed me against the wall and kissed me hard. "Jesus Shae, you're killing me."

The lift dinged and the door opened. He pulled me down the corridor and to his door, breathing heavily. He fumbled for his door key, I couldn't help but chuckle. I bit my lip to stop myself and plucked the door key out of his hand and unlocked the door myself. I walked into the room, there were two double beds. "Expecting company?" I teased.
Brian shook his head "Sal can bunk with the others." He turned the lock on the door and stalked towards me. "I've been thinking about doing this since yesterday..." I walked backwards til my legs hit the bed. I sighed as his mouth descended on mine.

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