Chapter Thirty Three

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Once everything was away, I sat back at the kitchen table and wrote a list of everything that needed to be done for Thursday. I knew that Oli would take the piss out of me, but I liked to be organised. It would stop me being stressed at work on Wednesday. I left Oli, Brian and Sal in the living room with the alcohol. I poured myself a large Jamesons and got to work, occasionally calling to them if I needed to ask something. I rolled my eyes as I the voices in the living room rose. I could hear Sal and Oli cackling away, and the next thing I knew Brian had joined me in the kitchen.

"They are flirting like crazy, it's sickening." He groaned as he slid in the chair beside me.

"Yeah, if only they would do something more than that though." I sighed. "Oli is being a nightmare about the whole thing." I quickly explained the conversation we had in the supermarket.

"So she's risking not being happy for the sake of a few miles?" I raised my eyebrows at Brian.

"It's hardly a few miles, Brian. And she's seen how hard it has been for us. She doesn't want to deal with that. Plus, she is a lot more jealous than me. I'm not sure she could handle it." I chuckled. Brian got up from his seat and came round to me, wrapping his arms over my shoulders.

"And you're not a jealous person?" He teased, kissing my temple.

I laughed and turned to kiss him full on the lips. "Wanna start this conversation, Quinn? How's your fist?"

"Good point. You done?" He pointed to my notepad on the kitchen table. I nodded. "Then come here." He quickly pulled me to my feet. Brian slowly walked me backwards towards the counter, his hands trailing down towards my waist. I felt the counter hit my back and I squealed as Brian lifted me to sit on it. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him close to me.

"We should get back in there..." I murmured as Brian kissed my neck. "Although, it seems to have gone quiet." I quickly pushed Brian off me and jumped off the counter, telling him to shush and follow me. I creeped down the the hallway and peered around the door. Oli and Sal were curled up in the chair making out. I looked back at Brian and grinned. "I knew it!" I whispered.

"What?" He asked quietly. I pushed Brian towards the door, and he peeked around the corner. I hit him as he snorted laughing, and pulled him back away from the door. "Well it's about damn time!" he whispered . "Well now that they're busy..." Brian wiggled his eyebrows at me, in what I'm sure he thought was a seductive move, but instead made burst out laughing. I clapped my hand over my mouth and hit him with my free hand.

"You prick." I admonished. "Come on, upstairs with you!" I pushed him up the stairs and slapped his arse to hurry him up.

I woke early the next day and made my way downstairs before Brian woke up and distracted me. I wanted to talk to Adele before I went to work. I had a feeling she wouldn't be working from home today.

"Good morning sunshine." I chimed as she walked into the kitchen.
She groaned and held her head. "Why the fuck are you so chirpy?" She grumbled.
I laughed loudly and held out a cup of coffee for her. "Oh just something I glimpsed last night. A certain someone eating young Salvatore's face!" Oli's hand flew to her mouth. "Oh yeah! We saw you. AND IT IS ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!" I glanced upwards as I heard banging around upstairs. "We will talk about this properly later, but please don't avoid him by going into the office. You will end up both feeling like shit."
"Shae I can't..." Oli started. I raised my eyebrows at her, daring her to continue. "Urgh fine. I will work from home. Just tell Q to keep his gob shut."

"I've gotta do what now?" Brian asked as he walked into the kitchen. He crossed the room and kissed me lightly before making himself a cup of coffee.
"Not wind Oli up about last night or she will go into the office and leave you and Sal to sort everything for tomorrow." I said over my shoulder as I packed my bag for work.
"Oh sure, that's cool. Anything to do less work." He winked at me.
"Ok, I better get going." I kissed Brian lightly, tasting a combination of mint and coffee, and headed to work.

The day passed quickly. I was so busy at work that I didn't even have time to take a lunch break. I wanted to finish everything up because I had been gladly granted the next two days off, a rare occurrence in teaching. I sat down with Dawn for an hour after work to go over the three classes that she was covering for me.

"Ok so now we've gone over all the work crap, you need to tell me what went down with Tom and your man!" Trust Dawn to want to know all the gossip. "All I know is that he walked into the staff room with a bloody nose, bitching about 'that fucking American prick'. So I guess he was talking about Brian."

I sighed. I really didn't want to go over it all again but I knew Dawn was relentless, and she would only ask Tom who would give he a very skewed version of events. "I swear not much happened. Brian surprised me on Monday, he was supposed to go to the house, but he turned up here. He sat in on the class then as we were leaving, we bumped into Tom. Brian guessed who it was and just punched him. No words, just punched him in the face. I dragged him out of there before anything else happened and that was it. I spoke to Tom yesterday to apologise, he was understandably pissed but after the class that Brian and Sal were in we saw him again and Brian apologised, so all ok."

"Woah woah...who is Sal? Another hot American? Is he single?" Dawn grinned and I groaned. She was always on the hunt for a new man.
"He's one of Brian's best friends. He came over to surprise me, well Oli I guess really. They're kind of a thing." Not really the truth but I had to put Dawn off somehow.
"Ah well that sucks." Dawn sighed. "Brian have any more friends who are single?" I said no. She would eat poor Murray alive.

I looked up at the clock and swore. It was later than I thought. "So you gonna be ok with this for the next couple of days?" I asked as I packed my things away. " You can call me if you need to." I waved my phone at her, then cursed again when I noticed I had a bunch of missed calls and messages. "Listen Dawny, I really need to go. I owe you on, ok?" I grabbed my bag and ran out of the door, calling Oli as I left.

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