Chapter Twenty Six

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The rest of the week passed in a stress filled haze. The brilliant start to the week seemed like it happened years ago. I was at the end of my tether by Friday afternoon, where I had to ban two of my students from the class with Brian for scrapping. I almost backed down when they came to me after class, begging to be allowed to go but I stood my ground. I hated being the bitch teacher I wasn't going to back down.

After the two girls left my classroom in tears, I slumped into my chair, arms outstretched and head resting on the table, and groaned.
"You look like you need a drink." I raised my head up to see my colleague Dawn stood at the door.
"Like you wouldn't believe." I sighed.
"Come on, a few of us are going to the pub. And we haven't hung out in ages." She grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room, pausing only to let me pick up my handbag. She was right, since coming back from America all I'd done was work and speak to Brian. A few drinks wouldn't hurt.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of alcohol. What had initially started off as a quiet drink in the local pub, quickly descended into a pub crawl. In the fourth pub, after copious amounts of whiskey and endless bright coloured shots, Dawn thought it would be a good idea to put our names down for some karaoke. "Nooooo Dawny!" I slurred. "I hate karaoke!"
"Don' care..." She replied, equally as drunk. "Yuh doin' it." She grinned at me and wobbled as she stood.
"Urgh fine! But I need more drinksh." I stomped to the bar and leaned myself over it to call the barman. "Barkeep!! Four sambucas!"

I passed them out to the group and we quickly downed them. I grimaced at the taste and wiped my mouth. I dug around in my pocket as I felt my phone vibrate. I grinned wildly as I saw Brian's name flash up. Mumbling that I'd be back in a minute, I ran outside to answer the phone.

"Mr Q! Cutie Q! Cutie Quinn...Quinny Quinn Quinn!! How are you? I miss you. I can't wait to see you." I slurred down the phone.
"Shae? Are you drunk?"
I smiled to myself. "Maybe a little..." I whispered, giggling.
"You're too cute. God I wish I was there, can't wait til Monday Shae."
I hiccuped. "Me neither."
"Listen, I'll let you go. Go and enjoy your night. Call me tomorrow when you wake up...I'm guessing it will be late, you little drunkard." His throaty laugh made my stomach clench.
"Hurry here..." I whispered before saying goodbye.

I slumped down onto one of the benches outside the pub, suddenly feeling very emotional and very alone. I rested my head on my hand and looked up into the clear night sky, lost in my thoughts. Suddenly the door to the bar burst open.
"There you are!" It was Tom, one of the music teachers. "Come on, we're up next!" He held his hand out to me to help me up.
"I really don't want to Tom." I shook my head at him.
"Nope, not taking no for an answer." He moved behind me and pushed my out of the seat then pulled me back into the bar and onto the stage where my other two workmates were waiting.

Almost immediately the music started, and before I knew what was happening I had been coaxed into singing I Will Survive. Seems appropriate, I thought to myself. The second the song was over I dove off the stage. I wasn't in the mood to have to sing again. I all but ran to the bar and ordered a large whiskey with another sambuca. The rest of the night was a blur. I vaguely remember being piled into a taxi and helped into bed, but other than that I had no idea what happened.

"Owwww!" I cried when I tried to open my eyes. I gave up and threw my arm over them. My head was banging. "Why do I do this to myself?" I muttered. I took a moment to try and remember getting home, but I couldn't. It was then that I realised I could hear cars on the street outside, and we lived in a cul-de-sac. Wincing slightly, I opened my eyes. I looked around at the plain white walls. This was not my bedroom.

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