Chapter Forty Seven

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Brian was on a mission as he dragged me through the crowds. I kept looking back to make sure the others were following. "Jeez, Brian where are you taking us?!" I panted as I struggled to keep up with him.
He stopped suddenly, causing me to walk straight into his back. "Unf, sorry. I just want it to be perfect for you." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me lightly.

"Dude I have never seen you walk so fast, what is the deal?" Joe wheezed when he caught up with us.
"I want these two to be as close to the ball drop as possible, that's all." I hit Oli as she sniggered at 'ball drop'. She's such a child.

We pushed our way through the crowds for another 5 minutes or so before Brian declared that we were in the perfect place. As is always inevitable when the guys are together, they were soon accosted by fans. Oli, Bessy and I stepped to the side and left them to it. I looked around where we were stood and noticed a drinks stall. I quickly told Oli and made my way over to get everyone some drinks. 6 hot apple ciders and one delicious looking hot chocolate for me.

By the time I manoeuvred my way back to the group, the fans had dispersed and everyone was chatting amongst themselves. I handed out the drinks and was met with cheers and thanks. Once everyone was settled, Brian pulled me in front of him and wrapped his free arm over my shoulder. "Only about 10 minutes to go." He muttered in my ear.

I smiled at him but I was too busy watching Murr, who had just realised that he was going to be left alone at midnight. Everyone was paired up, except for him. He was having a proper little tantrum. I wriggled out of Brian's grasped and pulled Murray over to me.
"Give me your watch." I held out my hand.
"What?" Murr looked so confused.
"Your watch, Murray. Give it."
He held his arm out with his watch on. I wound it on 10 minutes so the clock showed midnight. Murray looked at his watch and looked confused.
I grinned and planted a big sloppy kiss on his lips. "Happy New Year, ferret." I laughed before wrapping myself back up in Brian's arms.

"You know I'm not gonna kiss you now you've kissed that, right?" Brian grumbled.
I nudged him in the ribs, causing him to wince. "Don't be mean. Besides..." I pulled a tissue out of my handbag and wiped my mouth, and reapplied my lip balm. "No Ol' Murr for you!" I saw Murray scowling. "Oh hush, you know I'm playing!"

As we laughed, we were interrupted by the tannoy starting the countdown. There were 3 minutes til midnight. We all turned together, ready to watch the ball drop. Everyone except Brian. Who had removed himself from me and had moved in front of me.
"You're facing the wrong way, asshole." I teased.

Brian simply shook his head and took my hand. "No I'm not. Im looking exactly where I want to look, the only place I need to look. Every day. From now until the day I die. I love you so much Shae. And I know I fucked up, and I'm hoping you can find it in your heart to forgive me for that." I frowned at him, he knew I already had. I glanced at Oli who, along with everyone else, had turned to face us. "The day you walked into that meet and greet, my life changed forever. I've never met someone who I click with so completely, that gets me the way that you do. I never thought that I would love anybody again, let alone love someone so completely as I do you. You fixed my shattered heart and made it yours. And you're having my baby! I never wanted kids, but when you told me you were pregnant, I could picture us with a whole brood."
I laughed nervously. "Easy there tiger."
"Shae, you have turned my world upside down and inside out. And as cliché as it sounds, my life is now pretty much perfect. There's only one way that it could be better, to make it complete..." I squeaked as Brian took a small box out of his pocket and got down on one knee. "Shae Anderson, will you do me the immense pleasure of agreeing to be my wife?"

I was vaguely aware of the people around us counting down, it was almost midnight, but I was in my own little bubble and the only voice I could hear was Brian's.

"So what do you say? Fancy becoming Mrs Quinn?" He winked. I couldn't speak, but nodded so fiercely that I thought my head might fall off. Brian jumped up and threw his arms around me, kissing me fiercely. I pulled back to catch my breath and grinned wildly. "YES! A million fucking times yes!!"

As our friends gathered around us all pulled us into a giant hug, Times Square erupted. It was midnight. We sang Auld Lange Syne at the tops of our voices, and Oli pulled me into a tight hug. We were both crying our eyes out. "I'm so happy for you babe!" She squealed before throwing her arms around Sal.

I was gently turned around and came face to face with the love of my life. I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me. "Happy New Year, Brian." I whispered in his ear.
"Happy New Year, fiancée." He teased. My face was starting to hurt from smiling so much.
I pulled back to look at him, my face serious. "About that..." I started. I couldn't keep a straight face as Brian's fell. I burst out laughing. "The ring, you idiot! You didn't drop it, did you?"
Brian laughed and shook his head. He took the ring box back out of his pocket and handed it to me. I carefully opened it and looked inside. Nestled in the burgundy velvet was the most perfect ring. Clearly antique, nothing gaudy or over the top, a solitary diamond and two sapphires, one on either side. It was perfect. Brian took the box from me and held my hand. "No turning back?" He asked as the ring hovered over the end of my finger.
"And no more running. This is it. This is us now." I smiled as the ring slid into place.

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