Chapter Twenty One

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"Seriously. Fuck this." Seeing her near him flipped a switch in me. I was no longer sad, I was fuming. The fact she had the audacity to even try and speak to him was making me rage. How dare she ruin what we had. I marched across the garden, pulling my arm out of Oli's grasp as she tried to pull me back.
I walked straight up to Brian, who had stood when he saw me coming over, grabbed him by the t-shirt and kissed him hard. I put all the emotions I had been feeling in the last couple of days into that kiss. When I let him go, he staggered backwards, almost falling into his chair. If I hadn't been so angry, I would have laughed.

I spun to face Natasha, who had a shit eating grin on her face. "Oh honey, it doesn't matter how hot that kiss was." She sneered. "You leave tomorrow. And he will come running right back to my bed, just like before."
That made me see red. I pulled my arm back to wipe that smirk off her face but before I had a chance Sal grabbed onto my arm to stop me. "I swear to God Sal, if you don't let go of my arm I will swing for you too." I muttered. I didn't want to hurt Sal but if didn't release me, I wouldn't be responsible for my actions. Knowing me better than anybody, Oli wisely advised Sal to let go.
"Just get rid of everyone." She muttered to him.

I was vaguely aware of Murr and Joe distracting everyone, something about a drinking competition in the kitchen, but the blood rushing through my veins meant I paid it little mind. "Bitch please." I spat. "That might have been how it was before, but it sure as fuck isn't now. You had to wait til he was off his face wasted to take advantage. Wouldn't surprise me if you poured the alcohol down his throat and threw yourself at him. If he was that into you, why the hell did he not tell his best friends? You think he wanted them to know? You were a booty call, nothing but an easy lay just crying out for attention from one of the shows stars. He felt nothing for you, you were a convenient fuck. So don't give me that bullshit about him coming running back to you, when he never ran there in the first place."

"That's not true." Natasha snapped, as she stomped her foot. She actually stomped her foot, like a child having a tantrum. "He liked me. Likes me...he said he had feelings for me."

I laughed cruelly. "Feelings of disgust perhaps. Or maybe pity. You wouldn't know real feelings if they came up and bitch slapped you in your bad boob job." Oli burst out laughing, which was quickly followed by Sal telling her to shut up. "He used you. Yeah that was a dick move, but he's a guy. Get over it...honey."

"I won't need to get over it...once you're gone..." Natasha started, smiling thinking that she had won.

I sighed and muttered "again with this shit." I pulled my arm back and punched her right in her smug face. Her hands flew up to her nose, which was pouring with blood. I'd felt a crunch when I hit her, it was probably broken. I turned to Brian, still shaking with anger. "I am not going to let this skank ruin what we've got. I'm not saying I forgive you, not yet, but I'm sure as hell going to try."

He pulled me into a tight hug and kisses me fiercely. "Thank you." He whispered. "I'm sorry but that was really hot."
"Stop it," I chastised. I winced as I flexed my hand.
"Let's get some ice on that." Brian suggested, taking my other hand and leading me into the house.

The second we stepped into the kitchen it went quiet. "Alright, alright nothing to see here people. Get your asses back outside and eat some food!" Joe yelled as he ushered people back out the door, squeezing my shoulder as he passed. I watched as he spoke quietly to Natasha, and as Bessy brought out her bag and coat. She was leaving, wisely through the side gate.

"Well that was something else," Murr chuckled as he handed me a towel full of ice for my hand. Brian took it from him and tenderly placed it across my knuckles, stroking my thumb with his. "I would definitely want this one backing my corner in a fight. What a right hook!"
I rolled my eyes. "Shut up Murr. I shouldn't have hit her."
"If you hadn't, I would have." Oli piped up from where she was sitting on the kitchen counter with Sal. I raised my eyebrows at her, questioning. She just laughed and shook her head.

"Well I don't know about anyone else," I announced, "but I am hungry."
"Fist fights will do that to a girl," Joe laughed as he walked back inside. "She's gone. Bruised pride and maybe a broken nose." He turned and punched Brian hard in the shoulder. "You're an asshole. You don't deserve her. You better spend the rest of your days making it up to her."
Brian rubbed his shoulder. "Don't worry, I intend to." I ducked my head as he kissed my cheek.

As the night drew in, Joe started a fire. We all sat around it for warmth as we carried on drinking. Brian scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him, resting my head against his chest and listening to his strong heart beat. I'd been quiet for most of the night. My head was still all over the place. I sighed heavily. "You ok?" He murmured into my hair.
I hesitated, I could lie and tell him I was fine and start to move on from the last shitty few days, or I could tell him the truth. I'd had enough of lies. "We need to talk..." I said.

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