Chapter Eight

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It was still barely even lunchtime so after meeting the others, I took them all to my favourite restaurant in my home town. Brian had asked me to stay for the few days they were here, and all things considered I couldn't say no. Oli was on her way up, bringing me a change of clothes and my make up. I'd booked us a room in the hotel also. I could have called family and stayed with them but this was easier.

The guys had a show tonight, with a meet and greet, so they had to head off early. They invited us to the show but after the morning I'd had, I just wanted to relax. I told Oli she should still go. I decided to have a relaxing bath and a whiskey and chill with a film until they came back. I'd asked Oli to keep an eye on Brian, to let me know how he was. She had just text saying he seemed ok. I needed to sit and think about this whole Brian thing. I liked him, really liked him and I knew he felt the same. But he was leaving for the other side of the world in a matter of days. What then?

A knock on the door pulled me out of my reverie. I opened the door to Brian, tired and bedraggled from the rain. I laughed and pulled him into the room, throwing a towel at him to dry off. "How was the show?" I asked as I poured him a whiskey.
"It was good. You were right though.."
"About what?"
"Not being able to understand people!" He laughed. "I mean, what is that accent?"
I laughed, choking on my whiskey. "I told you! You wouldn't think I used to sound like that too. Before I moved to London. Not that you can talk...Mr Staten Island! Yours can be just as bad."

He climbed onto the bed and lay down beside me. I looked at him as he shut his eyes, all traces or worry and exhaustion disappeared from his face. He really was beautiful, inside and out. He was asleep within seconds. I took his shoes off and pulled the blanket up over him. I sat and finished my whiskey, wondering what the hell we were going to do.

After an hour or so, I realised I wasn't going to sleep. I text Sal to see if he was still awake, I needed some advice.

I met Sal down in the hotel bar. I bought myself a whiskey and went and sat on the sofa with him.
"You know Brian better than anybody, Sal. I need your help." We talked for ages, about the whole situation. I knew that Brian had an aversion to relationships, understandably, but I didn't realise just how deep seated it was.
"But then I see him with you," Sal countered. "And he's completely different. He acts like its something he wants again."
I groaned, frustrated. "Yeah but how? Day after tomorrow you guys fly back to New York, basically the other side of the world. It's just not possible."
"But you want it to be, right?" He asked kindly. I nodded. I did, I really did. "Then we'll work something out. But you've gotta talk to him, tell him how you feel. Just be honest with him."
I thanked Sal, and gave him a hug before returning to the room. Brian was thankfully still asleep. I undressed and curled up beside him, Sal's words on my mind.

I woke up to the sound of the shower. I looked at the clock on my phone, it was only 7am. I was surprised that Brian was awake already. Thinking that this really was our last full day together, I decided to make the most of it. As quietly as I could, I opened the bathroom door, he gasped as I slid into the shower behind him. "Morning sunshine," I grinned before kissing him lightly.
"Mmm, morning." Brian nuzzled at my neck as his hands ran down my sides. He lifted me and wrapped my legs around his waist. "I'm so glad you're here."
"Me too." I kissed his forehead. "What are we going to do, eh Brian?" I sighed.
"I don't know. I just know I want you." My heart swelled at those words and I kissed him passionately.

I rewrapped my hair in a towel and made my way out of the bathroom. Brian was sat on the bed, looking delicious wearing only a towel. I turned away from himto do my make up, knowing that he would only distract me and we were meeting Oli and the guys in 15 minutes. Oli had promised Joe that we would take them to Cadbury World.

Joe was practically bouncing at the prospect of being surrounded by endless chocolate. I didn't have the heart to tell him he wouldn't be allowed to eat it all. It was a lovely day, and a great way for the guys to end their UK tour. It was nice to speak to Murr a little more as well, something I hadn't had a chance to do.
We sat and chatted for a few minutes while we waited for our drinks.
"So have you been converted into a fan now then?" He asked teasing as I watched Brian at the counter.
"Eh...nah not really. You're just not that funny." I tried to keep a straight face but the look Murr gave me made me crack up. "I'm sorry, that was too easy. And you kind of walked into it." I nudged him with my shoulder. "You definitely have a new fan. Plus, look how happy she is." I nodded over at Oli, who was laughing and joking with Sal and Joe in the queue. "This has seriously made her life. She's loved you guys for ages."

"Is that little ferret bugging you?" Brian shouted as he walked across to us.
I stuck my tongue out at him. "Don't be mean, Murr was doing no such thing." I smiled at Murr as he excused himself.
"How come you call him Murr, but you don't call me Q?" Brian wondered.
I shrugged, "you introduced yourself to me as Brian. If you'd said Q, I would have called you that. Feels odd now. Why? Which do you prefer?"
"No reason. I don't mind, whichever you want," Brian laughed as the others joined us. I sat and listened as they discussed their plans for when they were back in America. They mentioned something about a live punishment, I'd have to ask Oli about that once we were alone.

Soon enough the day was over and we were on a train back to the hotel. I tried and failed not to burst out laughing watching the reactions of the other people on the train as Sal and Joe stood by the train doors, straight faced and nose to nose. The guys had offered to take us out for dinner as a kind of a thank you and good bye. As I went to head into the hotel to get ready, Brian pulled me back. "Can we talk?" He asked. I nodded and followed him back outside.

We sat down on a bench outside. Brian took my hand and started. "I'm sorry for before. Worrying everyone, worrying you. I feel really shitty for it." I shushed him, it didn't matter now. "But, I couldn't help it. After we left, I realised how I felt about you. And I freaked out. I've not felt like this in so long, it scared me. I've always said...since, you know...that I wouldn't get involved with anyone seriously again. And then you come along and blow that all to hell." He squeezed my hand and smiled. "I go to sleep thinking of you, I wake up wanting to see you. I don't want that feeling to go away. And I really, really hope that it's the same for you, otherwise I am going to look like the biggest dick right now..." I nodded wildly, biting my lip. "I know I'm leaving in the morning but I don't want to let this go. I...I want us to be together. Can we work something out?"

I flew at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him hard. "We better damn well do!" I said, tears in my eyes. He picked me up, my arms still round his neck, and swung me round, both of us with massive grins on our faces.
"Come on, we better go get ready for tonight."

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