Chapter Two

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When I came downstairs the next day, Oli was, predictably, watching Impractical Jokers. Shaking my head, I went to make some tea. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as I waited for the kettle to boil. Pulling it out, I saw I had a text from Brian. Smiling to myself I opened it. Hey, it's Brian. Still ok for me meeting you guys later?
I was surprised he text, I expected either nothing or a quick phone call once we were at the venue to find out where we were. I poured my tea and quickly typed out a reply as I waited for it to brew. Yeah sure. We'll be there early though - I like to be at the barrier :) There hasn't been a gig that I've been to and not be at the front row. Shoving my phone back in my pocket and grabbing my tea, I join Oli in the living room. Her show had just finished so we could have some quality Netflix time before heading out.

We got to the venue about 5pm. There were a few people already queuing but it wasn't too bad. I could still fight my way to the barrier if need be. I kept checking my phone every few minutes in case Brian had tried calling. I hate having the volume on my phone and the vibrate is temperamental at best. After the tenth time, Oli clocked what I was doing. "Are you expecting a call, Shae?" she asked, knowing full well that must be the case.
"Erm yeah, one of the techs or something from last night. Got talking to him while you were meeting and greeting. He said he was coming and asked if he could meet us so he wouldn't be alone. Obviously I said yes." I grinned.
"Cute then?" Oli nudged me.
I laughed. "Well I think so!" We had totally opposite opinions on what was cute. Oli liked skinny band type boys, while I preferred older, chunkier and beardy. Just like Brian. Just then my phone started to vibrate. I checked the screen and it was Brian.
"Hey hey! Where are you?" I asked, ignoring the kissy face that Oli was pulling at me.
"Just coming round to the front doors. Where are you at?"
"We're about 10 people from the front. Come up, we've saved you a space." Oli kept teasing me after I hung up the phone. I just told her to shut up and kept an eye out for Brian coming round the corner.

"There he is!" I waved to get Brian's attention.
"Oh my god, is that Q?" Oli hit me on the shoulder and pointed in Brian's direction.
"Where? Dude, I don't see any of them." Oli grabbed my head and turned it to Brian, who was getting closer. "Erm, no mate. That's Brian. Who's meeting us."
Oli turned to me, open mouthed. "Q is Brian. His name is Brian Quinn, you fucking idiot. You were talking to one of the group, not a fucking techie!"
It was my turn to look shocked. "What? No? He look nothing like what I've seen on tv."
"What do you mean TV?"
"I didn't have my glasses last night so I'm going by what I've seen on that bloody show. None of them had beards..."
Oli hit me again. "Q didn't have a beard then, stupid. I can't believe you didn't realise you were talking to Q." She looked down at the phone in my hand. "Hang on, he just called you, did he give you his number?"
I rubbed my shoulder where she hit me "Yeah, I guess. Oli please don't make a big deal about this. I obviously had no idea who he was, please be cool tonight. I want to enjoy this gig and not be stressing."
She grabbed my hand as he got closer, and squeezed it. "Promise."

I waved again as Brian got closer to us and watched as he squeezed and apologised his way through to us. He smiled as he reached us. As I looked at him, I tried to recognise the person from TV but couldn't see past the beard. True to her word, Oli was cool and calm as we queued. As the stewards went to open the doors, Oli nudged Brian. "Hope you're ready to run Q.  Shae will be at the barrier no matter what and will fight for it if she has to." I laughed and agreed, throwing my bag across my body and getting ready to run for a prime spot.
"Haha I'm used to it, I'm exactly the same...although maybe with less running."
"Oh god, you're gig crazy too, aren't you?" A little of Oli's fangirl was showing but she managed to hide it without Brian realising too much. At that moment, the doors opened. I grabbed Oli's hand and we legged it towards the barrier. I barely looked back to see if Brian was behind me. I had my priorities right now. We got to exactly where I wanted to be. Right in the middle at the front. It would be a tight squeeze once the band were on, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Oli stood beside me, while Brian stood slightly behind.

Time flew before the band came on, with the support act coming and going in what seemed like minutes. As the crowd started to get larger before The Black Keys came on, I was aware of Brian moving closer behind me. Oli had noticed too and nudged me, grinning when I turned. Oli and I chatted while we waited for the band, we tried to keep Brian involved in the conversation but he mostly stayed quiet, instead looking around the venue or on his phone.
Oli leaned over to me to whisper in my ear "Is this weird? It's a little weird, isn't it?" I knew what she meant. Since finding out that Brian was in fact Q, it had felt a little different but I wasn't going to let it ruin the night. I shrugged my shoulders "I dunno. Not really." Just then the lights went down and the crowd roared as the band came on stage. As I turned to the stage to watch the band, I jumped as I felt a hand on my waist. I turned my head to see that Brian had moved himself closer still to me, his hand resting lightly on the waistband of my jeans. He wasn't looking at me, just watching the stage. I turned my head away, blushing slightly, glad that the lights had gone down.

The show ended far too quickly for my liking, and not just because the band were awesome. Brian didn't move his hand once during the whole thing, only letting go when the band left the stage and Oli turned around to face him. "ok so it wasn't that bad, they are pretty good."
I threw my arms around her, hugging her tight "yay! I knew you would finally come around."
"What about you though? Are you coming around now too?" she squeezed me and glanced at Brian, who was completely oblivious to our exchange because he was trying to get a set list from security.
"Dude, I can't even believe you didn't realise it was him." Oli laughed.
"Mate he looks completely different to what I've seen. How was I supposed to know it was him?!"
"The beard does make him look more.... Your type!" Oli laughed. Brian was coming back to us so I didn't answer, just nodded and smiled.

We walked slowly back to the tube station, Oli wandered ahead while Brian and I talked, going over the gig and dissecting every minute moment. It was great having someone to talk about my favourite band with for a change, Oli had no interest in them. As we talked, I realised we actually had a lot in common.  I knew it was weird for Oli, she was a huge fan, but he was just another guy to me. One that I had enjoyed spending the evening with. "So, where does your tour take you to next?" I asked as we rounded the corner to the station.
"We have Brighton and Birmingham left. Then back to the US for filming."
"Brighton is nice, proper English seaside. Birmingham is... different," I laughed. The thought of Brian surrounded by brummies in my home town made me chuckle. "They're a lot friendlier, but you may struggle to understand the more excitable or drunk ones!" I laughed at Brian's confused face, before explaining that I was originally from Birmingham, and only moved to London a few years ago.
"Listen, text me when you're there and I'll give you some good bars to go to." I cocked my head as I heard the station tannoy. Our tube was coming. "We've got to go, it's the last train."
Brian nodded and opened his arms. "Thanks for letting me tag along tonight." He pulled me into a quick hug, releasing me sooner than I would have liked. He called Oli over, who had discreetly stepped away, and gave her a big squeeze too. I saw her eyes light up as he hugged her and grinned at her.

The train pulled up to the platform, so we said our goodbyes and jumped on the train. We sat down and Oli immediately started to grill me on Brian. I ignored her, watching him on the platform until the train pulled away. As we entered the tunnel, I sighed and turned back to Oli, who was watching me with a smirk on her face. "You like him." She said, moving to sit next to me.
I tipped my head back into the back of the seat and closed my eyes, ignoring her. "You do, I can tell. This is so cool. You and Q..."
I interrupted her then. "Woah Olivia. There is no me and Q. He wanted some company for a gig, and we were going so I invited him along. You know I would do that for anyone."
Oli laughed at me, shaking her head "If you say so."

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