Chapter Thirty Nine

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I woke suddenly, wondering where I was. The events of the night came crashing back into my mind. I looked around the room, Sal was sat beside me. Oli nowhere to be seen.
"Is he back?" I asked.
Sal nodded. "About half an hour ago. Oli said to let you sleep. They're in Brian's room now. Remind me never to get on the wrong side of Oli. I couldn't hear what they were saying but she is scary as hell when she is mad." I smiled, my face tight, but it ended up as more of a grimace.
"I should probably go up there..." I said quietly.

Sak kissed my temple lightly, saying "I'll wait in here." I took a deep breath and started up the stairs. There was no sound coming from Brian's room now, so I knocked. Oli opened the door and gave me a small smile. Brian was stood leaning against the back wall of the room. She squeezed my hand as I walked past. She gave Brian a meaningful stare before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, my back to him. "I'm sorry I left like that." He started. "I just, I needed a some time to think. That was the last thing I expected you to say. And I just freaked out. I couldn't process it and I had to get away." He sat down next to me. "I didn't even think of how you must have been feeling when I left. I'm so sorry Shae." He took my hand, squeezed it. "I've never been so terrified of Oli as I just was then. She told me how you were feeling, I didn't realise how selfish I was being. Please look at me, Shae." I turned my head to face him. "I am so, so sorry, can you forgive me?" I nodded and he kissed me lightly.

He took a deep breath and turned me so I was facing him completely. "So, what do you want to do?"

"That's not just my decision to make Brian. We have to make it together. I have thought about nothing else since this morning, I'm pretty sure I know what I want, but what about you? You don't want kids..." I trailed off.

"Well after Oli verbally kicked the shit out of me, we talked some. I know what that I've said in the past and I meant it. 100%. But..." He trailed his fingers across the back of my hand, sending sparks though my body. "But when you walked into my life you turned my world upside down. You made me see everything differently. Made me want things that I was adamant that I didn't want." Brian turned to face me, his face serious. "I know you know this already, but I should have said it to your face...I love you Shae. So much. And I want to have this baby with you."

I looked Brian straight in the eye. "We're doing this then?" He nodded. I forced myself to say the words. "We're going to have a baby." It felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my chest. The stress of the last day was completely gone. I was still scared, but I felt lighter.

Brian pulled me up to the top of the bed and lay me down. He lay on his side next to me, resting his head on his hand as he watched me. "I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too." It was the first time I'd said it out loud. He leant down and kissed me sweetly. I glanced up at the clock. It was nearly 5am. "So Oli scared you, huh?"

Brian laughed. "Totally. I'm not even kidding, I actually feared for my life. You have one incredible best friend."

"She's more than that, she's my sister. As good as. It's just me and her, she's all the family I need." I yawned.
"Tired?" Brian asked. I nodded. "Been a long day, huh? Go to sleep, I'll tell Oli and Sal you'll see them in the morning."

I grabbed onto his t-shirt as he went to stand. "Stay here." I murmured.

He sat back down and stroked my sides. "Sure thing." He quickly hooked his thumbs under the hem of my t-shirt and lifted it above my stomach before placing a light kiss just above my belly button and lowering my top again.

I stroked his face as he rested his head on my stomach, my eyes filling with tears. "Trying to make me cry, Brian?" I laughed. He took my hand in his and kissed my palm, before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

I woke early and padded downstairs, leaving Brian asleep. Oli was already stood in the kitchen, cup of coffee in her hands. "Morning," she smiled. I gave her a small smile and started to pour myself a cup of coffee. "Nope!" Oli appeared behind me, taking the coffee cup out of my hand and replaced it with a new one...with a tea bag in. "You need to cut down on your caffeine, missy. And you won't drink decaf, so it's tea or nothing." She chirped.

"Urgh, this fucking sucks already." I moaned as she filled the cup with water. "And I can't even drink on Christmas Day. Or New Years Eve. For fucks sake!"

Oli laughed loudly. "So it all went ok in the end then?" She asked. I nodded as I sipped my tea.
"Thanks to you, I think. He's genuinely scared of you now. What did you say to him?"
"I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you." Oli smirked.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Seriously though, whatever you said seemed to work. We sat and talked for a bit. And we came to a decision." I shrugged. Oli waved her hands at me, urging me on. "So you'll be Aunti Oli, right?" I looked up at her innocently. She squealed and hugged me tight. "Not a word to anyone though, Ol. I'm serious. I know Sal knows, but that's it." Oli nodded.

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