Chapter Twenty Nine

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I really didn't want to go into work. I was a bundle of nervous excitement about seeing Brian this evening, but I also didn't want to have to see Tom. I sat in my car til the last possible moment, sighing as I finally got out of the car and made my way to my class. I was determined to avoid the staff room today.

Unsurprisingly the day dragged. It seemed to take forever to just get to lunchtime. I walked straight out to my car the second the bell went, pulling my phone out of my bag to call Oli.
"He's not here yet." She laughed as she answered the phone. "How's today been?"
I sighed. "Slow. I've been hiding in my car, I can't deal with this shit today."
"So you've not seen Tom?"
"Nope. And I don't want to either." I pulled my phone away from my ear as it beeped at me. "Ol, I've gotta go. Brian's calling." I put the phone down before she had a chance to reply.

"Hey you!" I smiled. "Take it you've landed?"
"Hey yourself." Brian replied. "A while back, yeah." I frowned slightly, why hasn't he called earlier? As if he heard my unspoken question, he answered. "So I'm walking round this school, trying to find my girl. But no one seems to know where she is..." I could tell he was smiling down the phone.
"Wait? You're here??" I screeched.
"Yes crazy girl, I thought I'd surprise you. But you're not where you should be."
I launched myself out of the car. "I'm in the car park!" I heard him pick up the pace and within seconds I saw him. I watched him as he walked towards me. His hair was a little longer, his beard a little fuller, I could feel my smile growing with every step that he took.

The second he reached me he dropped his bag and opened his arms. I threw my arms around him and he swung me around. "God I have missed you!" He muttered into my hair. I pulled my head back and looked him in the eye. "Missed you too." I kissed him hard, lost in the moment and only stopped when I hear cheering from behind us. "Oh fuck." I mumbled.

I turned to see the windows of the top floor of the school lined with students, all cheering at my very public display of affection. I untangled myself from Brian and pulled him towards my car. "Ok, so you have two choices. Hang around here this afternoon til I finish, or go back to the house now?"
"You really need to ask?" He smiled as he squeezed my hand. I grabbed my bag out of the car with my free hand and led him towards the school.

The afternoon passed fairly quickly, even with the distraction of Brian sitting in the corner of my classroom. It wasn't much of an issue until the last lesson, my year 12 drama class. The ones obsessed with Impractical Jokers. The noise was deafening as the class filled and they saw Brian sat in the corner.

"Alright, alright, settle down!" I yelled. I waited for quiet before continuing. "Ok so you might have noticed we have a guest today. I promised you something special, and...a little earlier than originally planned..." I threw a look at Brian, he had completely thrown off my lesson plans. "May I introduce Mr Brian Quinn aka Q from The Tenderloins and Impractical Jokers."

The class erupted into cheers and applause as Brian stood. I sat back and watched as he interacted with the class. "Right so as Miss Anderson said, we had planned for me to come in later in the week. This is just an extra thing. So, to make sure you're all prepared how about we just do a Q&A type thing today?" He glanced at me to check that was ok, I nodded that it was. For the next hour, I sat and watched as he answered every question that my class asked him. Some ridiculous, some really interesting. I'd never seen my students so wrapped up in a lesson that when the bell went they didn't even notice.

After Brian finished one last question, I interrupted. "Alright you lot. Go home! Brian will be back tomorrow for our improv workshop, so make sure everything is perfect. Go on now. Get!" I laughed as they all scrambled out of the classroom, rushing to make their buses.

Once the class had emptied and I'd tidied up, I fell down into my chair. "Wow, that was exhausting considering I didn't do anything."
Brian came across to me and stood between my legs, taking my hands. "They're a really good bunch of kids. You should be proud." He leaned down to kiss me lightly.
We were interrupted by a knock on the door. I looked up to see Dawn peering through the window. I waved her inside. "Well I was going to ask if you wanted to come for a drink but I'm guessing I already know the answer to that question." She laughed.
I grimaced. "Yeah probably not the best idea."
I introduced her to Brian quickly before she flew off to go to the pub. I picked up my bag, and after slinging it over my shoulder I took Brian's hand.
"Come on, you. Let's go home."

I pointed out a different things as we walked through the school. I was so distracted that I didn't notice somebody walking towards us. "Shae! I was wondering where you had got to today." Tom. Brilliant. The one person I didn't want to see. Brian looked at me questioning as my hand squeezed his tight.

"Are you ok?" He whispered. I shook my head. "Why...?" He started, I could see the moment when it clicked in his head.
"Brian, let's go." I tried to pull him away.
"This is him?" Brian pointed to Tom. I sighed and nodded.
"Just leave it, come on." I pulled at his arm again.
He turned to face me, took my face in his hands and kissed me lightly. Then he turned to face Tom and the next thing I knew, Tom was on the floor with blood pouring from his nose.
"Now we can go," Brian muttered darkly as he pulled me away.

Impractically PerfectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang