Chapter Ten

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Over the next few weeks we settled quickly into a sort of routine. I woke around 5 for work every day, so Brian would Skype me when he got home from training and he would tell me about his day. They were training hard for their live punishment - the most stupid thing I had ever heard of. They were going to be doing a tightrope walk, 6 storeys in the air. I had no idea how I was going to be able to watch it. It made me feel sick just thinking about it.
I'd Skype Brian once I got home from work, usually while I was making dinner so Oli could say hi as well. It was unconventional but was necessary because of the time difference.

One evening, I'd set my laptop on the counter while I made dinner. I was filling him in on something that happened in my Year 12 drama class. "we started a new module today..." I started. "It's the improvisation module."
Brian laughed "I think I see where this is going..."
"Yep. Literally the first student to put their hand up went 'Miss, have you heard of Impractical Jokers?' I said I was aware of their work, but didn't think they were that funny..." I paused, waiting for the reaction I knew that was coming.
"You know I'm kidding. Actually, they ended up telling me lots of things that I didn't know about you guys. And showed me your YouTube videos. I liked the shaved head."
"Yeah I don't think I could get away with that now though." He ruffled his hair, embarrassed.
"With that beard, probably not." I laughed. I turned at the sound of he front door.
"Hey Oli!" Brian yelled.
"Hey Q!" She ran up to the computer and gave the webcam a big sloppy kiss before running upstairs to change.
"How come I don't get that from you, hey?" He teased. I raised my eyebrows at him and carried on cooking.
"Anyway...I was wondering, when you come over in November, would you come in and see the class? They would absolutely love it."
"Of course I will." He glanced at his phone as it rang. "That's Sal, I've gotta go. I'll speak to you tonight?" I nodded. "Ok, have a good evening."

I signed off, sighing. I loved speaking to him every day but I missed being with him. Oli came bounding down the stairs as I put dinner on the table. "You're half way there Shae. Only 3 more weeks."
I smiled. "Yeah I know. Speaking of, have you booked your ticket yet?" Oli had decided to come with me, she loved New York and wasn't about to pass up the chance of seeing the live punishment.
"Yeah did it on my lunch. So we flight out on the Saturday? So that's like 2 days before the punishment and are staying for 6 days?"
"Yeah, I'll need to do some school work before going back so that will give me time."

My weekly Year 12 drama class had somehow descended into madness. Every week they would come in and ask if they could recreate Tenderloins sketches or Impractical Jokers pranks. I didn't have the heart to say no. They were all so excited about the live punishment, I honestly didn't realise that they were this popular. Luckily the improv module we were doing was quite free form so I could get away with everything. And it would be a nice end to the module to have Brian come and visit. It was the last week of school before the half term, so I didn't want to start anything new. At the request of over half of the class, we had been watching Impractical Jokers episodes, and they were currently discussing who was their favourites and why.

"Miss?" One of the girls at the front asked. "Who's your favourite joker?" I don't know why I surprised that they asked but I was.
"Erm, my favourite? That would have to be Br...Q." I stumbled, almost forgetting to call him by the name that everyone knew him by. "So what is everyone doing this half term? I know that there is something you will all be watching...I'm just glad it's in the holidays, otherwise I'd have a class of sleeping 17 year olds the next day!"
"Will you be watching the live punishment miss?" One of the boys asked.
I laughed. "Yes, I will. In fact...I will be watching it live, in New York! And..." I waited until they all quieted back down. "And if you all do well in your tests after half term, I may have a very special treat for you all. So no slacking over half term, got it?"
A chorus of "yes miss" followed by the bell and they were off, all wondering what the treat could be. I'm sure I heard at least one student say I was cool.

The next few days flew by as I finished up with school for half term and packed for New York. I didn't know what Brian had planned while we were there, so I had to pack a bit of everything.

Suddenly it was Friday night and we were waiting to leave at 3am for our 6am flight. I wanted to sleep on the flight so I tried to stay awake. At around midnight, I Skyped Brian. He answered, looking flustered.
"Do I even want to know what you've been doing?" I asked, laughing.
"What? Oh I was just practicing. Look..." He picked his laptop up to show me the mini tightrope on his floor, flashing past his bed which was covered in clothes.
"Your place is looking good, Quinn." I teased. He cursed, fumbling with his laptop and trying to hide the clothes at the same time.
"I'm going to tidy later, I swear. It will be spotless by the time you get here. Hang on, what did you just call me?" He sat down on the end of his bed and looked at me curiously.
I shrugged. "Just trying something. Q still doesn't feel right, but a lot of the kids at school call you Quinn. Thought I'd try it out."
"I don't mind Quinn," he smiled. "So what time do you land again?"
"About 1:30, your time." I answered.
"Ok, we'll meet you there."
"We?" I asked.
"Like the guys wouldn't come to meet you. Plus Sal said he would drive too so they could take Oli to the hotel and we can come straight back here...if you didn't mind, I mean." I said I didn't mind. I looked at the time, I didn't realise how long we'd been talking.
"Shit, I need to check I've got everything. The taxi is coming in like 40 minutes."
"Ok, I'll leave you to it. I can't wait to see you."
"Me neither, see ya later Quinn." I grinned and blew him a kiss before closing my laptop and packing it in my hand luggage.

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