Hey People

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Hey everybody I'm back from my vacation


I know you guys want me to update, am I right?

But I can't

I saw a person on my vacation and I immediately fell in love, but that person........

Was a girl.

I'm not a lesbian. (That's what I thought) and I never, NEVERR fell in love with a girl.

That was the first time

But seriously that girl looked like a boy.

I SWEAR!!!!!!!! I thought she was a boy!!!!

But she wore a bikini.


And the reason why I can't update is...

I'm heartbroken...

I just want to cry all day long T^T

But well... I think nobody cares :(

I'm going to TRY to update because I love you all so much ♥

But it will be hard with a broken heart

I'm sorry guys :c I'm wasting your time

Well......see ya


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