carrying on...

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I followed Izzy everywhere today, and she made sure that i got everything i needed so i wouldn't be picked on by the teachers around this joint. At break i sat next to her and chatted whilst eating a small muffin that the canteen was selling. She told me that the best way to get in first was to say you have to be somewhere every lunchtime, and fake a note from a teacher and you get to cut the queue. Simple. She told me more about 'that night' when the party went wrong.

"I had rented out an old shack that my dad used to work in, but he never used it anymore, so it was perfect for about 50 to 70 people? I hired a DJ and the strobe lights where all set. I had hired some people to pretend they where people from our school, so even if some people didn't show up, it would still look like i had done a reasonably good job with the place. There was a shots table, and little games that people could play, like Truth or Dare, but if you tell the truth, you have to drink a shot. The food was the main problem though. My cooker was broken so i had to use my next door neighbors, but even theirs wasn't in good shape. So when they brought the food round, it looked cooked, and everyone who had eaten it was fine, until Bianca puked it up and blamed it on the food, and said she had food poisoning when she was rushed off the hospital, but it was really that she had too much to drink that night. My dad killed me, and my mum took everything i had that i used daily away, like my ipod, TV, laptop. So i had nothing to do.

"One day, my mum just made me pop to the shops, just to get some milk. So i did, i had nothing better to do with my time, and went to the shops down in town. That's when they cornered me, ripped my hair from their sockets and made me run all the way home, calling me names, chanting them in my ears.

"When i got home, my mum didn't see me, and when she asked what happened the next morning, i told her to do nothing, and she listened."

The next lesson was quiet. Too quiet. The conversation that we had at break messed her up. I tried to talk to her, i really did, but she just seemed to give half hearted answers. I gave up in the end.

The final bell rang and i got up from my seat and followed her out the door. She seemed to disappear into the surrounding crowd of people. It didn't really matter, but it would have been nice to say good bye to her, or at least her say good bye to me.

I walked home in the English summer, the wind brushing across my arms like a blanket. It was cold though, too cold for summer anyway. I stopped for a second, and rummaged through my bag to try and find my jumper, it was stuffed at the bottom, and just as i brought my eyes up to put it on, i saw them. The group of populars. All facing me, whispering to one another. Shit. I put my jumper back in my bag and kept my eyes on them. I slowly made a hasty exit down the street. They wouldn't get me if i was in public, and thankfully for me, my walk home was all in public places. The bus was public, the roads were, as long as i wasn't waiting alone at the bus station, i would be fine.

So i did what i thought was right and stayed on the main roads, dodging speeding cars as they whipped pasted my hair. But they still followed, giggling and whispering to each other, looking at me every time i looked back at them. This wasn't going to work, they were going to keep following me all the way home, i didn't need my dad see me being stalked on my first day of my new school.

I got on the bus and they followed of course, payed for a one way ticket and they all did the same. This was getting freaky now. I hid behind a fat man and hoped that when i get off they wouldn't see me through the crowd. So much for that idea, when the bus stopped just down the road from my house, i hopped off the bus and they saw me walk passed the window. They ran down the walkway of the bus and jumped out the door before the doors shut on their faces. I ran then. I needed to get away from them, what happened to Izzy was awful, and i don't want it happening to me. I looked back, they were gaining on me, their hair whipping out the back of them. I was running out of breath, and my heart felt weak. My legs started to stumble and my vision was starting to blur. I was just a few feet away from my house, i just needed to run a little further. But my mind and heart weren't connecting, and my legs gave way. I fell flat on my face and i was out for the count.

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