Zeyk (A Second Chance)

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Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate! That's all that went round and round inside my pathetic skull. I needed to save The Angel of the North, otherwise this world and her own world would be ruled by my fathers brother! I needed to concentrate! CONCENTRATE!

"AHHH!" I yelled out, and everything was wiped from my mind and i was left with pure concentration. Take me away from here, take me far away from here, take me away, far away, take us all away, away to the land of the clouds, take us closer to our destination! Wind was whirling around me, Rasta and Kat. It was filled with light, so much light, blues and greens and gold dust, flying around us.

"RASTA!" I yelled at the little blue bird. He needed to help me, i didn't want to end up in that state i ended up in last time. I knew he would help me. So i closed my eyes, and let the energy travel through me. A rush of joy ran through my body and i laughed. I had never felt this happy before in my life!

I flung my eyes open and the woods and the Blue Bloods where gone. instead they were replaced with air, clear, dark air. I took a deep breath and stretched. I hadn't gone into a state, which was good, thanks to the help of Rasta. I looked over to him and the little blue neon bird was sitting next to The Angel of the North, she was lying on the floor, with one leg covered in blood. I walked over to her and knelt down.

"Is it over? Is there anything i can do?" I asked Rasta quietly.

"There is nothing you can do, she must face her demons to come out of this state, she must find peace in her inner soul and defeat darkness that haunts her every day..." Rasta said in a sorrowful voice.

"What can we do?" There must be something we can do, something, anything. I needed to  get the wand and save this stupid place. Anger built up in me as the thoughts of my father came into mind.

"We need to take her to the Temple of Light, thats the only way. We get the wand and if she does not wake, then maybe Mother Nature will bare down some light and help her soul". Right then and there i new there was no hope for her or this world, darkness would take hold of this world and the next.

"Rasta, will you wait here with her? I need to find someone, it may help her, maybe not now, but it will will help her..." I said, i was lying, lying to the bird that was so kind hearted, and would never lie like this to anyone.

"Of course Prince, of course, i will do all i can to protect her..."

"Thank you" My eyes where watering up a little, but why? I didn't care much for these guys, really. I tipped my hat over my eyes to stop Rasta from seeing anything. "Good bye dear friend" I said standing up, walking backwards into the darkness, across the dirt plain floor.

Athenos atalayos fenionsa i spoke in my mind. Light whipped around me and i was gone within a second. I needed that wand, but to get i would need help. Even if it meant to betray my own father.

It was dark here, darkness has lived here for too long, and i had a sudden erge to flash back to Rasta and the girl. But then i heard him.

"Aha! Zeyk! My dear cousin? Is it cousin? I don't actually know! We need to meet up more, it has been too long, look, come with me, i can give you some water? Food?" I turned around and looked him in the cold white eyes. His white flesh was cracking and dying, and it cracked more when he smiled.

"I need your help Uncle, i need, i need the wand..."

"What wand? I have many..." He said opening his arms to show me the walls that were covered in well know wands, some that were not supposed to be real.

"You know which one i mean. The Horethorne Wand, i need it..."

"And why, do you need such a powerful wand? You stand for light, you could easily destroy me with it..."

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