Lark (A Second Chance)

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I stared at it. My plan was so nearly complete that i could taste the freedom that had been stolen from me all this time. I chuckled to myself.
"No more, no more hiding..." I whispered to myself. Soon the worlds would be mine, and my brothers son Zeyk would let the land fall right into my hands. Stupid boy, he didn't know he was dying inside, the wasps i put inside his skull would kill him if they got too angry, and that would be soon for him, there was too much light within him, even if he didn't know it. He would get the wand and then die as soon as i commanded the wasps to kill him, giving me the wand and all the power this world can offer.
"Sinran, it is ready to open when you are ready, we just need the wands light power to open it, that is the only fall back..." Said Tyfan's strong voice. I didn't turn, but sighed.
"It will have to wait my dear companion, as i do not have the wand in my grasp just yet. Zeyk is doing that for me..."
"You mean the King's only son?" He asked. I laughed, watching parts of my frozen face fall to the ground.
"Yes, he thought that, even though i had know him, been his friend for all these years, that i would help him out when we were just about to become at war, silly child. He came to me for more power so he may take the wand. I gave him the power, but he does not know it but he will soon die, as the power of Darkness always kills light when given enough time..."
"You are killing the Prince?" He laughed with me.
"Yes, i suppose i am, hahaa!" I laughed. More of my face fell to the floor. As soon as i meet my mother once more, then i will get her to rid of this curse on my body. For ever aging, immortal. Why did she hate me so? What did i ever do for her to truly hate me? I chose the path of Darkness, as it called to me like life to a Dark soul.
"Tyfan, tell me... what did the Sky-DeForce find out about the girl?" I asked, waiting for the answer that i knew would be bad in some way or another.
"They could not find anything about her Sinran, The DeForce's sturred up some wild Blue Bloods in the forest and we seemed to have lost them during their fight. There was some interference when someone used the transportation spell and they traveled somewhere. We lost them at that point..." Tyfan said in a slow voice.
"I know where they will be. Send for them again, tell them to go to the bottom of Mountain of the Whishers and find the girl, if they start an attack, then kill them..."
"Yes Sinran, i will do so right away!" He marched off out of the room and i went back to my thoughts.

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