Chapter 2

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I sat in my throne and drummed each one of my aging fingers on the arm rest. I couldn't take in what the messenger had just told me, it couldn't be true, the brother he once loved as part of his family was going to wage war against the sanctuary of our mother, the mother of all nature. I stared at the floor and waited for the messenger to get uncomfortable. He was getting uneasy, i didn't want him to be terrified of this place, so i waved him off and he kicked his heals faster than lightening its self. He flew away in his golden shoes and i watched as light streamed out from the doors that grew taller everyday. I sighed and stood up. We need her, we needed the Northern Angel of the skies, the one that had helped us in our times of need, and now when we needed her most, she dies, she moved onto another life down in the world of Nava, where they live and die, day after day, how i wish i knew what life was like down there, down there Mother Nature created humans but then realised her mistake. She had made them with a hole in their heart that could never be filled, and so they destroyed her in that part of the world, but not here, we would never do that here, apart from my brother, he would, he will never be content, like the humans, made with a hole in his heart that could never be filled. I sighed and walked gently and smoothly out the great doors of my throne room.

I don't usually come out from there, i usually wait until another messenger with there scared looking eyes and peaky skin, came to me with another message of what my brother wished to do next on his attack. I looked at each one of the guards as they raised their swords up and over the top of my graying head, and then shot them back when i left. I wondered down the halls until i came to my sons room.

My son, the heir to the throne of our world, the one that could save us all out of these dark times and into new light. But as i opened the door, it was as i expected. He wasn't there. Instead he left a small note on his table where he should have been studying. I picked up the delicate note and began to read.


I was called to help my dear friend Arthrite in his time of need, i will be back as soon as i can, and will go straight to my studying, i just need to do this, help the ones who need help.

I put the note back down on the marble table and walked to the balcony where i saw the pink clouds of the South darken in anger and fear. My brother was growing stronger with each passing minute, and as he grew stronger, so did his people, the people that were banished from this world and chucked into his. If my son carries on like he does, then he would too find his way to the City of Kerrang. That would give his brother more happiness than he could bare. His brother, the same brother who was banished from our mothers pure soul and left for dead is the barren land which is now the City of Kerrang. Lark, his name is Lark, if he still goes by that name i do not know, but he was a good brother, too good, and sometimes now i wish i had done something, something more, instead of teasing him. Was that really the problem though? Me teasing him, as i feared that there is still one piece of the puzzle that hasn't come to light yet. I sighed and watch our pretty little world go by. We needed her, and if she didn't die in that world soon, then we would all die. The Northern Angel of the skies had to now be reincarnated, but not in this world, in the other world, the world of Nava, and so her soul is drifting through empty space, longing for a new soul to lead into this world. I closed my eyes and listened to the beautiful silence that fill me and the air around.


I awoke in the same room as i did before, with long drips of water in my arms. I shuddered, as the thought of a needle going into my skin popped into my thumping skull. What happened? All i remember was getting mad and then, then it went dark, so dark. I was so angry, but i didn't know with who. I didn't want to die, not for real. I remember playing killing Izzy with a wooden stick and then she would kill me back as she 'came back to life', but in this world, this soulless, unforgiving world, i was going to die.

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