Lark (A Second Chance)

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"I want it to be ready now! Why can't simple orders be followed through!" I yelled at the army awaiting for more instructions. Why could they not just listen the first time? I didn't want to start the war today, i wanted it to start next week, to strike more fear into my brothers soul! I needed them to wait, the Matrions weren't ready! And neither was the -

"Lord Sinran! They are started against us, there is no turning back, we must use it, we must use it now!" Said a Blue Blood.

"You're telling me, that we must use it now? I, am the one who makes the decisions, not you! If i wanted to ask you! Then i would have!" I yelled. He knew nothing, i would decide when we were to use it. I slapped the Blue Blood round the head and let lifted him up without even touching him. "If i ask you, then you answer... is that clear?" He nodded, but just to teach the others as well, i watched him choke infront of me. It didn't bother me, not in the slightest, i just watched him as his other beings watched in fear. I could have killed them, but then who would fight for me? I wouldn't be able to fight all by myself, even with the power i have drawn with Darkness, it still wouldn't be enough to defeat my brother.

I dropped the Blue Blood onto the floor, blue blood trickling from his nose. "LISTEN! All of you!" I said, staring around the room. "War has begun! I want you all to give what you would give to be give a second chance! We all want one! So go fight for it!" I yelled, and they echoed my shout.

"Grifften... Tell the others to get ready, i want everyone out of here before i let it go, understand?" Grifften nodded and scarpered off down the hall. This was all coming together better than i thought it would.

I walked down the hallway and to the room of which the cube had been brought to me. I gazed up at it and wondered how it ever came to be buried in such a place, it was as if my mother was asking me to find it when she banished me here. To open it was another question. I touched the metallic artwork that had been made to entrap such a thing, it was cold and smooth to the touch. Golden and parts stuffed with mud and sand. I pressed my ear up against the metal cube and listened. There was a heartbeat, a loud, thumping, heartbeat. I smiled to myself, then stood back. I didn't care if everyone was out yet. With this beast, nothing could beat me!

I called the Darkness around me and made it obey my wishes. I thought to myself what i wanted it to do, and it listened, so very carefully. Darkness would always listen to its leader, always. I opened my hands and let the long lines of Darkness coil itself around my fingers, working its way to the overhanging cube infront of me. I closed my eyes and felt the power slip through my body, my crippled aging body.

"Lord Sinran!" Shouted Grifften. I span around, anger filled my mind, i wanted to kill him for interrupting me. He could see that i was going to kill him. "Lord S-Sinran! P-please don't! I have a message! The Angel of the North is in this world! She is about to unleash the power of the box in the Temple of Azena!" He stuttered. I calmed myself. How could this be? How could i have let her get so far? How?

"How does she get into the Temple?" I asked, he should know this, it was his job to know things.

"Her spirit can enter, not the body..." He said, smiling a little. I knew what he was thinking, i knew exactly what he was thinking and i joined him in a smile. If i killed the body when she was in the realm of the Temple of Azena, then i could detach her soul from her body. Then she would never be able to stop me in the mission to take over this world.

"Send for the Sky DeForce's. Tell them to wait until her soul has left her body completely, then strike, no mercy, i want everything dead that it with in 2 clicks of them! Go!" I yelled laughing. This was perfect, she would die before even getting the chance to show off her power! I laughed again, and turned to the cube once more. I didn't wait a second longer, i placed my hands on the cube and unleashed all my power of Darkness into the woven passages of it. The pain was tearing me apart, but i grew stronger from it. I felt the cogs turn and the locks unlock. There heartbeat withing grew stronger and faster and louder. I backed away from it. Would i be able to control what was inside? Don't be stupid, of course i would! I am the greatest power this world had ever seen! But as the door to the cube unbolted, i questioned the thought. Dark pools of mist swelled along the floor, and a scaled foot made its self through the open door. My heart was beating so loudly i couldn't hear anything, but this was what i chose, and i could not go back on it now. I was going to tame the beast.

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