Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes to a white world. But when i sat up i saw that it was only mist. I scratched my head and looked down at my leg. It was drenched in blood, great. Rasta was sitting next to me, his little black beady eyes filled with joy. I smiled at him and he flapped his little blue wings up to my shoulder as i tried to stand up.

"You shouldn't move Angel, you have hurt your leg very badly..." I wasn't going to listen to him. There was one thing that stood in my mind through out the whole of that experience, and  that was what She said to me, what She said right before i vanished from that world. "What did Mother Nature tell you Kat?" Rasta asked, obviously reading my mind.

"She told me, that love can heal everything, i just have to believe..." I looked from him, and then back down to my leg. It was healed. Although the blood was still there, it was healed. "Come on Rasta! Lets go get that wand!" I said jumping up.

"We may have a slight problem with that..." The worry in his eyes were scaring me. I looked around and noticed that Zeyk wasn't with us.

"Rasta... wheres Zeyk?" I asked, looked around a little more. He was no where in sight.

"He... he turned to the path of Darkness Kat, he wanted to make his father proud, so he went. He got his Uncle, Lark, to give him enough power to over throw the light barrier and take the wand for himself. Stupid boy..." Rasta looked away from me. Why would he do such a thing? Why? He had his fathers respect by protecting me, right? Questions flew round and around in my head it gave me a head ache.

"So how will we get the wand? We need it don't we?" I asked Rasta. The whole place seemed like it was spinning a little.

"I don't think we do, if he lied to us about being with Darkness, then i think he might of lied about the translation he gave to us..." It was making sense now, he only took us here so he could get here without getting caught!

"That lying little-"

"Kat, we don't have time to criticize him, we need to get to the Temple of Azena. We have wasted too much time, we need to get to the Temple now!" He said urgently. I smiled at him.

"With love, anything is possible" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I thought of all the good things that had ever happened to me, and let them loose in my mind. My soul felt like it was bursting out in life and colour. I opened my eyes and it was all but white. White with the light that was filling my soul with love and happiness. I laughed out loud and Rasta was wide eyed with what looked like fear but happiness all rolled into one. The whirling white dust that swooped around us took us somewhere on the other side of this world, it would take us to the Temple of Azena, to where i would meet my fate.

We landed in the middle of some woods. The trees hung over us and the sky was dawning so slowly it made the cloud bright pink and orange. I turned around to see a wall of mountain. Great, i was going to have to climb this?

"Don't worry, you wont have to climb it, you just need to get your soul to the other side. Because you are the Angel of the North, you have the true power to get past the mountain face. What you just did now was enough power to get you through possibly, go on, try, you need to get through..." Rasta said, leaving me to go behind.

"What about you? Wont you come?" I asked, staring after the little bird.

"No, only you can get through..."

"But... i cant do this on my own... i will mess up! I need you Rasta! To guide me, to help me!" I said, facing him now. He couldn;t just leave me like this? Could he? I wasn't ready, i needed him to help me, like he had done through out this journey. "Rasta..." I said in a whisper before a massive boom sound came from across the trees.

"It's starting, Kat you need to go now!" I yelled.

"Whats starting? I don't understand!"

"The war Kat, the war is starting..." He said. I looked at him, and everything i knew seemed to be doomed.

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