Lark (A Second Chance)

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"Lord Sinran, i come with news from the borrowers form of the southern hills, they have reached it" Said the messenger. My plan was coming together so quickly that my brother of Allemore would not have a chance to build his defenses, i found something that only i would be able to control in this world, the new world that i can call my own, and not be banished from.

I carried on looking out of the window down on my workers and people, all working to go back to the life they once had. I would still have order, i needed order amongst the people of Kerrang, but also fear, fear so i can keep order, thats how it worked, and how it has always worked. When i take over this world there was nothing holding me back from taking over the world of the next, and then find the others that our mother has hidden from us. I looked behind me and watched messenger Quinn stand motionless. For a Blue Blood vampire, he was easy to train, unlike the rest of the mongrels down there. The more my brother sent people down here the more power i got. Even if they were not easy to train, i would get them trained in the end, if not, they would work, work until their feet bled.

"Thank you Quinn, you may speak" I said, looking back out the window.

"They have reached it, the reached it a few hours ago and now bringing it up to the Masterial Hall, it will be there in a few hours, it is heaver than expected, and will not make it in time to plan" I shot my head around to the rotten Blue Blood vampire, but held my temper. I took a deep breath, killing him would help no one.

"I see, take me to them, i will show you how to get a job done." 

A Second ChanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora