Rasta (A Second Chance)

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Was Kat okay? I didn't know what to do. Creatures from the world of Kerrang were circling over the top of us, not planning on attack i don't believe, but they were too close for my liking. They would swoop down every so often to get a view of us, leaving me with a thumping heart and a whirling mind. I flapped my wings and perched on top of Kat's knee. What was going on in her mind? I mean what was really happening? Was she lost to the world of Shattered Souls, or had she been rescued by Mother Nature? I closed my eyes and tried to focus all the energy i had to read her mind, to try an find out what was going on in the world she was in. Nothing, still nothing. There was was nothing i could read from here, just darkness, and a soul made from Darkness. Could it have been Zeyk's soul? I know he had changed from light to Darkness, but would he torment her inside her own soul? He wouldn't do such thing thing, would he? He was part of Darkness now, so he could have the power to enter the world of which she is in.

The creatures from the world of Kerrang swooped down again. I upped my guard, but once again they backed off. The flapping and swooping stopped, and me and the Angels body were left in peace. I flew up into the sky, and above the mist to try and find some clear day, to see what was going on, and once i got up there i knew what was going on. Sky-DeForce units, a hundred of them, at least. They all flew back to the east, flying back to their home in Kerrang. They would report would they have seen no doubt, spying on the Angel of the North. Then a question pooped into my head. Did Lark know that the Angel of the North was here? Well, did he? I thought about it for a second. There would be no reason why he would think she was the Angel of the North.

It suddenly all became clear to me. He made Zeyk a companion with Darkness so that he could narrow down the defenses of the Angel of the North! He was going to kill us! I swooped back down to Kat's body and looked at her. She looked dead, so very dead. But she wasn't, she was alive and breathing, just without a soul. That soul was needed, here, so we could get to the top of the Temple of Light and get to Mother Nature and help Kat realise that her soul will get her though the Temple of Azena. Only her soul will get her through to the Temple of Azena, only her soul.

It was heartbreaking almost to know that i wouldn't be able to come with her to the Temple of Azena. I would also not be alive to see it, i knew what was coming, i knew i would have to give up my life to make sure she got there without dying. It was a terrifying thought, but if it meat saving the world i loved and have lived in all this time, then i would proudly give up my life for the Angel of the North. 

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