Kat (A Second Chance)

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This new world was filled with so much joy i couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I must have looked like an idiot, standing there grinning like a mad person, but the feeling of joy was so strong i just couldn't stop. Trees started to grow from the bare black floor and grass was starting to sprout.

I looked around and watched as light filled the Shattered Souls of this world and they turned into real people. Their eyes went into shock and they stared down at their bodies, moving fingers and toes and smiling at other people. It was unbelievable. It was one of those moments that i just wanted to take a picture of and show the world. But of course, i was being silly, they don't have camera's here. So i took it all in and kept it in my mind, making sure this moment would never slip from my mind.

I looked around and try to take in all the different people here, and then i saw someone who i thought i would never see again in my life. My mum, and peeking behind her was my little sister. My eyes suddenly welled up with tears and i couldn't stop them from falling down my cheeks and onto the floor. What were they doing here? How could they be here? I ran to them, as fast as i could, then grabbing them so tight that i thought i would have crushed them. I stood there, saying nothing, just enjoying the thought that i was in their arms again. But it was far to short for my liking, they let go and stared at me, and i stared at them, waiting for them to speak.

"Thank you..." Said Izabel. I looked down at her and smiled the biggest grin i could possibly fit on my face.

"Mum, Izabel, why are you here? You died!" I said, looking from the woman to the small child next to her.

"You died as well, didn't you Katherine?" She said. It had been so long since someone had called me by that name, too long.

"Yes i did, and then i think i died in this world as well! How does that happen to me?" I yelled a little on the last part because i was so damn confused about this whole thing.

You're not dead, you have taken a journey to your soul, so you could over come the Darkness within you, the memories that held you down all this time. None of these people are real, they are just souls, and when you leave this world their souls will move onto the next body awaiting them down in the world of Nava. Said Mother Nature as she appeared behind me. She was beautiful, but graying silver hair peeked through from underneath. She was getting old, and when i looked again at her face, i saw that it wasn't as smooth as when i first saw it, wrinkles had made themselves known. Her blue dazzling eyes had turned to a dull gray like her hair.

"What do you mean, their not real people? Look at them!" I said, pointing at my lost family.

They are what you remember of them. They know you died because you know, all these people are aspects of your mind, and have been brought to life through your memories. They are happy because you are happy. You turned this place of Darkness into light, now you are fully healed, and memories like the death of your mother and sister will no longer make you feel upset Kat, they will fill you with joy! She spoke with out moving her lips, she just smiled down at me.

"But, i... the souls, you said they would move to the world of Nava again..."

Yes, these souls have been trapped in your mind because you wouldn't let them go, you must let them go Kat... I looked from her, across to my family. They weren't real, just an image from my mind? A tear rolled down my cheek. I needed to let them go, it was the only way i was going to save this word and my own world. Izabel nodded at me, she was always the strong one in situations like this. I shook my head, i didn't want to let them go, this would be the last time i saw them and i didn't want to let them go just like that.

"Katherine..." My mum said. More tears flowed down my face. "You have to let us go, we will meet again in another life time, trust me..." I couldn't seen anything now from all the tears in my eyes. I blinked toughly enough so i could see a little better. They were smiling, and i was smiling too, for one, last time. The place faded, the light, my family. But one thing stayed clear. Her voice.

Kat, remember, love will heal anything. It doesn't matter how deep the cut, how deep the pain, how great the Darkness, love will heal it all, if you believe it will, then you will be able to do anything. Help save the worlds of these people, before its too late... 

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