Kat (A Second Chance)

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"Hello?" I asked, still crumpled on the floor. Where was i? It was just darkness, pure and utter blackness.

Kat, my dear Angel, you must not listen to the voices here, they are to turn you, turn you away from me and into the path of Shattered Souls. They feed on your weakness, you must grow stronger my Angel, grow strong, and you will see the light...

"Who are you? And how did i get here?" I asked out into the darkness. My heart was beating like crazy and i was sweating cold water down my forehead.

I am Mother Nature child, im the one who saw your soul in the world of Nava and brought it here for another chance, another purpose in life. You are here because the Blue Blood that you call them, bit you, and the Darkness with in that bite was so concentrated, it sent you here, to the pace of Shattered Souls.

"And how do i get out, i need to help Rasta and Zeyk!" I yelled. My voice echoed. "Hello?" I asked again, but i felt like i was alone, and i was. They feed off my weakness? How do they do that? I know it wasn't my fault that my mum died, and that Izabel died, i know that, don't i?

It's all your fault Kat, all your, fault... Said a scattering voice. It made me cringe a little and sent the hairs on my spine to freeze. This wasn't Mother Natures voice.

Well done child, i am not the Mother of this world, i have been one of the banished, one of the fallen, i live in the world of Kerrang, the world that is growing stronger by the minute child, and there is nothing you can do about it, nothing, you will die, soon, oh very soon... It said again in the two toned voice.

"Oh yeah? Well, i will die trying than give up! I know what your weakness is! My strength! So how do you like that!" I yelled. There was complete silence for a second, but only a second.

Wrong! I am not on of the beings that float in the Shattered Souls Nation! I am something different! Something far worse beyond your biggest fear! You can not escape here! Your dear Mother Nature was launched from this spiritual place when i came here because my power is that great! I have no weakness!" It yelled. I fell down to my knees and looked to the top, trying to see some form of light. Nothing. Nothing came out of the darkness.

I knew i was going to be here, forever, in this world, this empty, black world that scared the hell out of me. I had nothing.

No child, you have your memories... Spoke a small voice, a beautiful wonderful voice that filled me with hope. But was it real? Or was it just a trick of my imagination? Could i trust it?

I pondered for a second, but i realised my memories where the only thing i hand. So i thought. I thought about the times me and Izabel would play on the swing at the back of our house, and how we used to laugh and play in the sun, then getting sun burnt and we would look like matching tomatoes. I remembered the picnics we had when i was younger with my mum and dad, with granddad and nan. I remember they got me to eat cheese and it was so strong i pulled a face, the face that was photographed on our fridge at home. I remembered when i came to the new school and Izzy showed me around, how she was my only friend, how kind she was, i remembered the Friends i made here! Rasta! Zeyk, although he never said much, i counted him as a friend, a true friend, that i would never turn my back on! Never!

I flung my eyes open and i was glowing blue, a light blue that lit up the whole space around me. I laughed and cried from the memories that poured from my head. When we went to the beach! We berried our dad in the sand and ran about! Building the sand castles that washed into the sea! I grew more blue, and the joy within me grew. When i had my first date! How me and Alexander kissed in the rain when we were young. I laughed some more when the felling of joy and happiness grew, and then grew some more. I couldn't stop laughing! The blue tint was now a full on light show.

Was is this? What is this magic? Spoke the beast in the dark. I only had one word for the creature, that would have looked epic in a movie.

"LOVE!" I yelled, laughing with joy. The blue light show lit up more, showering the world with blue crystals and gold dust. I laughed and laughed as i watched souls of people being brought back to life. There was a high pitch scream coming from the beast, but i didn't give a care in the world. I was going to save Rasta and Zeyk and this world, and nobody was going to stop me.

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