Kat (The Angel of the North)

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"So can i have some food now?" This was the 5th time i had asked, and if he kept it cooking for any longer then it would be burnt.

"Now, now, if The Prince says that it needs more time to cook, then it need more time to cook..." Rasta said, nodding at Zeyk. Zeyk nodded back in thanks. I sat on the log in the dark, tapping my foot and staring at the open blue flames. My stomach was eat my insides... i needed food, now.

"Right, there, all done, but be careful, they are hot, don't burn yourself okay?" He said, twiddling hid hands over the fire and putting out the flames with his magic. I almost jumped out of my seat when he placed the pan down onto the small rock infront of me. I took the long a long stick and skewered the sausage. It was steaming, but i didn't too much. I took a huge bite and swallowed it. It scorched the back of my throat, but it filled my tummy with food and the beast inside me settled. I was glad we had a half wizard in training with us, he could make things pop out of anywhere, if he could remember the spell that is. I munched down the rest of the sausage and looked at Zeyk eagerly.

"Hungry then?" He asked, chuckling a little. I nodded. "Take another then, i ain't hungry at all..." He said. I reached for a second sausage.

"You sure?" I asked, and he nodded back. I picked it up with my finger tips and shoved it onto my skewer. Perfect. I bit into it and chewed it this time, then let it cool down in my mouth before swallowing it. It tasted nice, not nice enough for me to wait that long, but nice. I picked a little bit off my sausage and gave it to Rasta.

"No thank you..." He told me, looking for me to the the sausage to me again.

"You need to eat something..." I said, nudging it closer towards his little beak.

"I will go fishing later, as i am a Kingfisher after all, i don't think i would like goats tail..." I spat out my mouthful of sausage and looked from Rasta to Zeyk. He was chuckling quietly to himself.

"You find this funny don't you? Why didn't you tell me it was made out of... of..."

"Goats tail?" Rasta interrupted me.

"Yes, that!" I said, putting an angry face on. I don't do angry really, i do looking angry, but i don't do angry.

"You never asked..." He said calmly. It made sense, why tell someone whats in it if they don't ask... I gave him a unimpressed look, but dropped it after a couple of seconds. "It's... been a long day, maybe some rest is needed?" Zeyk looked at me, and i shook my head, but the yawn that escaped my mouth made it obvious that i needed to sleep. I stood up from my log and found a nice dry spot under an oak looking tree. Considering it was all leafs and sticks underneath me, it was comfortable, to a certain extent. I watched as The Prince moved his hands around in circles and chucked an appearing ball of water at the small fire. It made a loud sizzle, and the night went dark. There was some crunching of leafs and i felt the warm heat from Zeyk's body next to me. There were a flutter of wings and Rasta came to my shoulder.

Night Rasta I said in my head, "Good night Angel of the the North... may Mother Nature be on your side..." He said. What did he mean by 'may Mother Nature be on your side'? Just then, there was a loud crunch, and the hairs on my back frozen. My eyes flung open, but i saw nothing, just pitch black. I felt Zeyk stur and Rasta was whispering something into Zeyk's ear. My eyes wouldn't close, they just wouldn't i knew something was up, and so did the others. But they knew something i didn't. My heart started to jump out of my skin and i tried to speak.

"Z-Zeyk..." I said in no more than a whisper.

"Hush..." He said, and removed a glowing wand from his pocket. The light was blue and pure, and lit up the whole wood. And thats when i saw. I saw the creatures of the woods.

"Blue Bloods..." He whispered to me. "Rasta, cover me from the right and then i will take care of the rest easily..."

"But your highness..." Rasta whispered, "What if you can't..."

"Then i would have died for a nobel cause, it was an honor to protect you Angel..." He shot up, taking his wand in his hand. At that point, every movement went slow, i saw light beem out of the stick, knocking down 3 Blue Bloods, the noise they made was horrendous. I covered my ears but watched in fear. I couldn't let Zeyk die for me, if he died then no one would be able to take the throne from the king, and then Lark could take over this part of Allemore. I uncovered my ears and plucked up some courage with my heart beating so much my whole body moved to its thumping. The butterflies in my stomach were hyper in fear, but i carried on. I ran towards Zeyk and stood by him.

"GET BACK!" I yelled at him. He looked at me and then i closed my eyes, letting my fear wash away, letting my instincts kick in. I flung my eyes open and ran for one of the snarling Blue Bloods, her hair was blond and matted. I yanked it, flinging her over me and letting her thump onto the floor. She let out a snarl, but i ignored her, focusing on the next two. They launched them selves at me, and i closed my eyes once more, taking a breath and focusing my energy, letting my instincts do the work. My mind detached from my body, and i watched as i grabbed them by the shoulders one at a time and flung them through the trees of the dark wood. Zeyk used his wand and shouted out things that i couldn't even understand, but shot out lighting out of the tip. It had little effect on the creatures though, but he kept trying.

"Zeyk!" I yelled out to him, "do that zappy thing to teleport us out of here!" He kicked off one small one that went for his leg.

"I can't! Not when there are so much going on! I wouldn't be able to concentrate!" He yelled back. I ran for a boy who was looking at my feet hungrily. I kicked him in his head and he scurried away snarling.

"Zeyk! You have to! I will get them away, if you promise to concentrate!" I yelled.

"But -"

"No buts! DO IT!" I yelled, running up a tree and jumping off, kicking another two snarling boys in the chest. I looked over my shoulder and saw one Blue Blood flying through the air. The body suddenly transformed, transformed into my sister, she flew through the air, like a dancer, and landed on the floor.

"Izabel!" I yelled. Just then, a sharp pain rain through my leg. One grabbed hold of my leg and ripped down it. Nothing happened for a second, everything stopped, the flashing lightning for Zeyk's wand, the snarling and growling from wild Blue Bloods, the quiet fluttering from Rasta, it all stopped. But then life kicked into the world and blood rushed from my leg, pouring down from my leg on to the floor. All the Blue Bloods twitched their ears and eyes towards me and i knew what was happening.

"Zeyk! The blood! You have to get us all out of here! Now!" Rasta yelled.

"I can't concentrate Rasta! I can't-"

"Zeyk..." I said in no more than a whisper, but he still looked at me. I stared past his hat and into his eyes. I fell to the floor. My vision went blurry, and i watched the doomed Zeyk and Rasta.

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