Lark (World of Kerrang)

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"Now, wasn't that simple enough? You just needed a little more help, now Quinn, you could have just asked me for more workers, then this whole thing could have been avoided, couldn't it?" I said, looking down at the Blue Blood Vampire lying on the foor, with his watery blue blood staining my floor. I had to hit him, i had to, he was getting on my nerves, and although he was very good at what he did, he had faults that need to be corrected, and the only way to correct those where to punish him if he went wrong.

"S-sorry, m-master, L-l-lord Sinr-ran, I will n-not fail you ag-gain..." He stuttered. I didn't believe him. I hit him around the head once more, using my lighting to scar his perfect white vampire face. Now he will never fail me, as he will always be reminded of what mistakes do to him.

"All of you" I yelled, letting my voice ring around the room, looking over my people, my workers, my life. "The time has come, the time has come to regain the lives and land we have lost, to take back what was once ours, and to show, that although we make mistakes, WE ALWAYS GET A SECOND CHANCE!" A roar came from below me as people and beasts and mortals raised their hands and weapons in unison. We would gain what was lost, we would, and no one was going to stop me... no one.

"Lord Sinran, a message has arrived from our fellowairs from the northern regein in the sky lands..." Head messenger Tyfan knelt down and bowed his head. He was like a brother to me, the one i had trained the most, the one i had know the most.

"No need to bow Tyfan, now tell me, what is the message?" I said, smiling down at him.

"It has been spotted on more than one occasion that The King of Allemore son, Prince Zeyk, is traveling to the Temple of Light, with a young girl..." Messenger Tyfan kept his head down, and so he should. Something in the back of my mind sent a pulse down my spine when the thought of the girl came into my mind. No, she couldn't be, not a girl.

"How old was the girl messenger?" I needed to know, if the prophet had been telling the truth, then my plans of ruling this world and the next would be impossible.

"They can not tell, i shall send for a Sky-DeForce to take a look..."

"No... not a look, i want them dead, i don't want them to get anywhere near that Temple... got that?"

"Yes Lord Sinran..." He bowed once more and left the room. My plans, my future, were all based around this one girl, she was the problem to my future success, she must go...

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