Kat (A Second Chance)

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It was getting dark, and i didn't like the dark, especially in a world that i didn't know too well. There were strange noises coming from the tall trees above my head, and different moons made them self known as they lit up the sky and the 2 suns set in the distance behind the trees. My feet were dragging on the rocky floor and my stomach rumbled a loud growl as it chewed the inside of me. Zeyk gave a sidewards glance to me, but carried on walking. Saving this world was hard work.

"Don't worry Kat, we will stop soon i think..." Rasta whispered in my ear.

"I thought you said that you wanted to save this world as fast as possible?" Zeyk said up infront.

"Yes, without killing ourselves in the process!" I yelled, i was angry, hungry, and damn right tired, we needed to stop and rest, at least from a while, even if it was for a few hours. He stopped.

"You told me you wanted to get there, so i am taking you!" He yelled back.

"But this isn't the right way!" Yelled Rasta. I looked from Rasta to Zeyk.

"What? We have traveled all this way for nothing!" I yelled again. Now i was pissed off, and i mean really pissed off, we had walked all this way for nothing! And we only just find out that we are going the wrong way!

"Listen! I had the writing read to me, it says we need to go North West, to the Temple of Light to get the wand that was used by Alfeira herself! So tell me again if i am going the wrong way!" Zeyk yelled at us in a sandy voice, his voice was going, and i could tell, maybe he needed to stop shouting so much, maybe we needed to trust him a little more.

"Sorry..." I said looking down in a meek voice. I nudged Rasta to do the same, but he said nothing.

We followed him some more, in silence, no one spoke a single word as the night drew on. Little firefly like insects flew around us, Rasta corrected me and told me they where Fire Tethers, that these one did not harm people if i didn't swat them. So i listened to him, and they just seemed to float around us like they were in some kind of dream state of mind. I dragged my feet along the muddy dirt floor and was about to ask if we could stop when i saw a small rotted down cottage. Its small roof had tiles missing and bundles of hay and grass clinging to its head. Vines ripped through the flesh of the houses walls and its sharp thorns would stop anyone in their path, apart from us, we ventured on through the weeds and grass and thorns. Zeyk pushed open the door and walked in to the small wood covered room. As i walked in, i saw her, well, more of an it than a girl, but i could tell it was a her because of her hands, small and petite. She wore a black cloak, that only reviled its hands as she drew in black paint on the thick pieces of paper that layed scattered across the baring floor. Zeyk didn't seem that bit concerned about this person at all, he just merely walked up the stairs.

"Wait..." Said a slow hissing voice from under the hood. Zeyk looked over, but carried on walking up the creaking stairs. I however, walked toward her. Her hood moved up towards me. "Sit down child... sit..." She said in a small whispering tone. I did what she said and sat down on a small space that wasn't covered in painted paper. As soon and i was on the floor she grabbed my hand. I jumped and my eyes widened in shock. Zeyk whisked over to me and pulled me on my shoulder, but the woman had a firm grip and wouldn't let go. "I see... great misfortune in your past life child, misfortune indeed... and you... remember it all... you are now The Angel of the North... but something is coming... something with only darkness in their hearts and 1 goal in mind... you... try to fight, but he knocks you down... you die..." She said, letting go of my hand and curling back to her painting once more.

"Wait... what do you mean? How do i die? Who kills me! Can i stop this? Can i-"

"Nothing can be done to change your fate, your are not strong enough to stop this power, not strong enough at all..." She said in a dismal voice.

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