Kat (A Second Chance)

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Pitch black. That's all it was, complete and utter darkness. I looked around me but nothing seemed to be here, just low echos that floated from nothing to nothing. Where was i?

"Hello?" I called out into the space. No one replied to my call, all it did was bounce off darkness and tangle up my thoughts in my head. Was i floating? Is that why everything seemed so weird, why i couldn't seem to move anywhere? I struggled to move my hands and feet and legs, but they were caught in webs of matter that stuck to me like glue.

"Can anybody hear me?" I yelled out again. Suddenly i fell, fell from nothing into nothingness, and kept falling. I screamed, screamed until the air was sucked out of my lungs. I fell the to the floor with a thump, and loud and painless thump. I grabbed the floor and tried my best to get up, but i just fell down once more.

"Stop trying Kat, stop trying, just remember, remember the memories that hurt you most, the ones of Izabel, remember her? Of course you do, you will never forget her, ever! And your mother...of course you would remember her so much, but you didn't know her so well, you should have known her more, more than anyone, but you didn't, its your fault that they died, you fault..." Said a small girls voice.

"No! It wasn't my fault! It never was!" I yelled out at the girl. She laughed.

"Don't be silly, you will never wake up, ever, because you did it, you killed them... you watched Izabel die, and you killed your mother in her heart..." She laughed again.

"No, no no no!" I yelled out covering my ears with my hands. "Go away! Just go away! Leave me alone!" I yelled out to her, "I didn't kill them i didn't! I know my mum so well!"

"You knew her so well, she is gone, and descending form your mind, you are loosing parts of her and you know it Kat..."

"Yes..." I said in a whisper. "Your right, she is dying in my mind, cause i am loosing touch with her..."

"Yes, give up Kat... just, give, up, and...die..."

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