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' t r e m a i n ė '

The loud beeps from the IV machine was the only sound in the room. I sat in the chair next to the hospital bed Aubree was laying in, i sat up and ran my hands down my face I don't know what the hell happened. Everything just happened so damn fast.

I sighed and before I knew it tears started coming out my eyes. Aubree lost the baby.

I felt somebody rub the back of my neck "babe what's wrong?" I looked up and saw Aubree she was awake. She tried to smile but she looked like she was in too much pain.

I was about to speak but the doctors and two nurses walked in. "Do you mind if we have some privacy with miss Aubree?" The doctor asked me while the two nurses fixed the iv in her arm.

"Not at all, baby I'll be right outside the door ight?"

She shook her head yes and I walked outside closing the door behind me.

= A U B R E E =

Trey walked out and closed the door and the doctor turned facing me "such a good husband you have" she said and I slightly smiled but soon remembered how hurt he was when he found out I was going to dinner with August.

"he's not my husband, I'm actually in the middle of a divorce with the baby's father"

"Speaking of them how is he or she doing?" I said and rubbed my stomach.

The room became silent and I put both hands on my stomach, the baby usually kicked when I put my hands on my side but he/she was probably being stubborn today.

"Hello?" I said waiting for a reply from the doctor

"Miss Aubree, you got shot twice once in the leg and once in the arm"

"I know what happened but I'm asking about my child"

"Mrs.Alsina when you fell, you didn't fall on your back or side."

I felt my heart stop for a minute.

"And when you fell on your stomach-"

"No, your lying! I remember turning over to my side"

"My baby's still alive check the heartbeat again" I said sitting back on the bed

both nurses and the doctor just stood and stared at me like I was crazy.

"CHECK IT NOW" I yelled and tears began falling, how could they be so rude and lie about something like this? I remember turning over to my side.

They strapped the monitor around me and turned the ultrasound on

"Are you sur-?"

"Yes" I said not letting her speak.

She turned the computer towards me and showed me, the baby had no movement. The nurse turned the volume on the monitor up and I waited a minute or so before breaking down.

"I knew I should've stood home"
"It's all my fault" I said now screaming.

Before I knew it my vision was getting blurry and I started shaking "she's going into shock, we need to get her upstairs" the doctor said and took the brakes off the bed

"yo what the hell is going on?! I thought you knew how to handle situations like this? You said she wouldn't get like this!" Trey busted into the room yelling

"I'm sorry, she's going into shock we gotta get her upstairs to deliver this baby"

"I need you to put these on" she said and handed him some scrubs.

- A U G U S T -

I rushed into the elevator and pressed the button to the 9th floor.
What a night, both my baby moms ended up hurt and in the same hospital.

"Fuck" I said pushing the button repeatedly and the doors finally opened.

Nicki brought out an entire floor so she could deliver this baby like she was Beyonce or some shit. I chuckled and remembered that I insisted on buying out a hospital floor for Ariana's delivery but Aubree said she wanted a "normal" delivery and how awkward it would be for Ariana to be the only baby in a nursery.

I opened the room door and Nicki laid on the bed out of breath af "hey" I said and kissed her forehead.

I took my jacket off and the nurses handed me the baby. It was a boy.

I held him and sat on the chair next to Nicki, he looked like me.

"I was thinking we should name him August Anthony Alsina III"

I shook my head and smiled damn after all the doubt's about him not being mine, look at him.

"August" Nicki said pulling out a little box from under her pillow

"Will you marry me?"

I looked up at her in shock, I barely like you? And I never heard of a woman purposing.

( T R E Y )

"would you like seeing th-"
I immediately shook my head cutting the nurse off.

They brought us upstairs to the delivery room and gave Aubree some typa medicine and she calmed down, almost too calm it's like she forgot what happened.

"Can I hold my baby?" She asked sitting up and the nurses handed him over, yea it's a boy.

She rubbed his head, he had a head full of hair she placed a kiss on his forehead and started crying uncontrollably.

I looked up at the nurse and she shook her head coming over to grab him

"I'm so sorry baby" she said and kissed his forehead again

"Mommy never meant to hurt you" she said lowly as the nurse carried the small body away.

For about 2 hours she laid on her side staring out the window numb. I rubbed her hand and allowed my tears to fall, a mother should never have to go through this pain.

A couple minutes later they took her into surgery to get the bullet removed from her leg, they said its real deep in there too close to her kneecap.

I sat in the room alone, the only soh d coming from some monitors beeping around the hospital its crazy how she's been with me close to 2 months already and nothing's happened to her but as soon as she steps her foot out with August somewhere all this shit happens.

Speaking of this fuck nigga where he at? He wife that he so called loves so much got shot right in front of him and yet he's no where to be found? Pathetic.

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