Chapter One - Pleased To Meet You

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I realize that some of the events that happened don't really match up to them in real life. It's a fiction story that I made up. So PLEASE do not yell at me for some of things not matching up, because believe me I know this is just how I wish things happened. And also, a fair warning, the beginning of this book has awful, awful, grammar and punctuation. I never thought that this book would become so popular, and once I realized that I stepped up my game. I hope you can look past the horrendous mistakes. One day I'll get around to fixing them. Happy Reading (and I promise it evens out as you read.) also that photo is taylor. 


"Hey guys tomorrow we're going to start recording our new songs, and also in a few days we're playing live at one of those bars down the road." Axl said as he walked into the room.

"Well fuck, my sister is supposed to come over and stay with me for a few weeks and she'll be here tomorrow though."

"Then just fucking bring her along, we don't mind." Slash said through drags of his cigarette.

"Yeah, what does she look like?" Duff asked.

"Well, her and I are twins so pretty similar to me. She's pretty badass actually, she's got her own Harley. I have a picture." I dug around in my pocket and handed him the picture of Taylor and I.

"Fuck!" Duff said with wide eyes. "She's fuckin gorgeous."

"Does that make me gorgeous as well?"

"Yeah man I guess."

"Let me see!" Slash said and snatched the picture out of Duff's hands.

"Oh damn." He whispered under his breath. "I'd tap that."

"Shut up, that's my sister you're talking about!"

"I know." Slash said with a smirk.

"I wanna see!" Steven said excitedly and looked over Slash's shoulder.

"Oh wow, she's hot. Does she have a boyfriend?" Steven said with a smile

I rolled my eyes. "No, she doesn't."

Like my sister would fall for any of these morons. They all get drunk and high, none of these guys would be good for her.

"What are you all talking about?" Axl snapped.

"Izzy's hot twin sister!" Steven said and smirked. He handed the picture over to Axl.

"Yeah, she's pretty." He said cooly and handed me back my picture.

"Okay enough." I rolled my eyes

I jammed it back into my pocket, I really hope that this all goes well.


"Hey Elle!?" I yelled

"Yeah?" She called back

I ran through the rooms to find out where she was, I found her in my bedroom.

"I'm leaving soon to go see Izzy."

She groaned and threw her head back, "Now it will be all lonely here!" She whined.

Eleanor is my best friend. We met at work a few years ago and we share an apartment. Oh, and I call her Elle for short.

"Well." I started "I don't think Izzy would mi-"

"OH YAY!" She threw her hands up in the air.

"I'll go pack!" She ran down the hall back to her room.

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