Dream Bound - Chapter Four

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                                         Dream Bound

                                          Chapter Four

                                             day three

 "Wow," I breathed, unable to stop myself from gawking at the scenery. The sun shone brightly, illuminating everything in a soft golden light. As I turned, I caught sight of Colton standing beside me, hands tucked into his pockets. The sun reflected off his feathery hair, highlighting his entire body into a silhouette. I could barely make out the features on his face, but I could still see the soft smile on his lips.

“Exactly,” he agreed, nodding his head. “There's something I wanted to do...” He grabbed onto my hand suddenly and pulled me away from the edge. Before I could say anything, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight embrace.

Warmth swirled around me, encasing my body in tingles. He was so hot, skin burning on mine. I gasped as he pulled me off my feet and then jumped off the cliff edge. A scream tore out from my lungs but the rush of the wind quickly ripped it away.

Silvery clouds blocked the sunlight. I expected to be greeted with the wintry winds of December as we fell, but all I felt was Colton's body heat radiating from his chest and arms.

“You're okay,” he murmured in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “Now...hold your breath.” With his finger, he gently pushed my chin up. I did as I was told and took in a deep breath.

We landed with a splash. Warm water plunged all around me. Colton's grip loosened, only slightly. Our heads broke the surface and I welcomed the fresh air.

“How...” I began, a bit flustered. The water was warm but the temperatures outside were frigid. Colton laughed, pointing over my head. He kept his other arm securely around my waist. A high cave towered over our heads. Behind me somewhere I could hear the drumming of a nearby waterfall.

“Cool, isn't it?” Colton asked as he finally released his hold on me. That was nice...I shook my head, ridding it of those thoughts. Though his touch was warm and...inviting, I couldn't think that way. Colton was just some stranger.

Although, as I watched him climb out of the water, a strange sensation tugged at my stomach. In some way, I did feel like I knew him from somewhere. He stood upright and shook the water from his hair, pulling his fingers through it.

“Yeah...” My voice echoed off the high, rocky walls. I swam to the ledge and attempted to pull myself up. Colton reached down and grasped my waist, pulling me up the rest of the way. As we straightened up, I saw two parallel lines running down the back of his shirt. They were thin, and concealed the bare skin of his back, but they were still there.

I frowned, reaching a hand out. I gently touched the right rip with my fingertip. Warmth flared up beneath my hand, but I ignored it.

“What are you doing?” Colton asked suddenly, turning to face me. He had a curious look on his face as he lifted a brow.

“You ripped your shirt as we jumped,” I explained, embarrassed. What was I doing? I was supposed to be mad at Colton for forcing me to go with him on this trip.

“Did I?” he asked, amused. I pressed my lips together and simply looked straight at him. His dark eyes crinkled as he smiled, peering quickly over his shoulder. “Eh, doesn't matter.” He grinned a little. “I'll be right back.” He turned and headed off, up a short rocky path. I watched him dully, wondering what I had just gotten myself into. As soon as he disappeared from sight, I sat down. I rested my arms on my knees and pressed my hands against my damp cheeks.

Dream Bound: Book One | ✓ [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora