Dream Bound - Chapter Eight

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                                      Dream Bound

                                       Chapter Eight

                                           day three

Flying was a sensation like no other. The air brushed past us with a gentle touch, whispering and caressing my skin. It swept me up into one being – my hair pushed off my shoulders, clothing rippling beneath it. Though being up this high was a little unnerving, Colton reassured me I wasn't gong anywhere. I knew this was true, on many levels. Slowly, I was beginning to open up to him.

 I couldn't bring myself to trust him completely – only because I had no recollection of our past memories. The only thing I could rely on was the undeniable connection between us. Bound by one spiritual thread, we both felt equally held fast in the same grip. Even the bind wasn't enough to convince me, though. I knew it wasn't Colton's choice.

 It was the archangels' decision that I was to be kept in the dark about his offering. Yet again, I was wary. Colton had said he couldn't explain the obscenity of our situation, but a little voice in the back of my mind whispered that he could. The only reason I leaned into that voice willingly was because Colton was a fallen angel. He was no longer human.

 Waking up one day to find all of humanity gone, vanished into nothing, couldn't be that unusual to him. To put it more simply, he'd died and went to heaven. I could only imagine his surprise when he found himself wandering through the godly abyss of white clouds – or whatever it actually looked like – unsure of whether or not he was dead, or if he was stuck halfway between. Having been through that, I was sure he could handle just about anything.

 The latter was one of the few reasons I opted to trust Colton – even if that trust was built on a thin thread, just barely there. If he wanted to, he could have done what he pleased by now. I no longer believed Colton was out to hurt me. He'd proven himself innocent enough by being my guardian angel. I was still trying to digest that information – that I'd lived through a good portion of my life under his unconscious protection.

 The more I dwelled on it, the more it made sense. Slowly, my mind began reaching out to the black abyss of forgetfulness. Like a swaying spiderweb, it grasped gently, never enough to grip down on an empty memory. Earlier on in the night, I'd made my decision. Colton said I wasn't allowed to shed light on my forgotten memories – at least not yet. He never said I couldn't retrieve them myself, which was exactly what I was going to do.

 Technically, I knew Colton far beyond these four, artless days. Though my trust was almost nonexistent, I couldn't allow the archangels to strip his wings permanently. Despite the fact Colton had lied to them, got himself killed in the midst of being reckless, I only saw the good in him. With quick thinking, I decided I was going to help him. Under his radar, of course. I was going to do everything in my power to bring back three years and two months of my life.

 “What are you thinking about?” Colton asked, using the same tone he had used back in the cave in Maine. Curious, never prying. While his wings pushed against the taunting air effortlessly, he held me against his chest.

 “How amazing this is,” I lied, brushing my hair out of my eyes. Guilt gnawed at my insides, but I alleviated the sour feeling with the fact that my lie was only a half-lie. Flying was amazing, but it wasn't what held my attention stagnant.

 If Colton suspected I was lying, his face showed nothing of the sort. A smile possessed his lips, pulling them upwards. The gesture was simple and natural, but it made my heart preform a series of gymnastic oriented flips. I swallowed, silently telling myself I had to stop reacting this way. If every little thing about Colton made me feel as if I was being lit on fire, how could I be around him?

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