Dream Bound - Chapter Twenty-three

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                          Dream Bound

                   Chapter twenty-three

                             day twenty

Truth be told, I had chickened out. With the rising sun, I remembered that I had failed to corner Colton last night and tell him how I feel. It was a new day, and with new days came new feelings, new resolutions and feelings. But this wasn’t an ordinary new day. It was a new day for me to express my feelings, ones that hadn’t changed overnight. Last night, when I’d stood up on the spot and told Colton we’d needed to talk, the troubled look in his dark eyes had been unmistakable. He’d stood, rooted to the spot. Even the snowflakes in his hair had begun to melt, dripping down his face like tears. Finally, he’d shifted and turned his gaze away from mine.

    “Talk, then,” he’d said. He knew it wasn’t going to be a pleasant chat about the weather. It was obvious enough for the both of us. My heart, pounding in my chest hot and heavy, picked up in speed. I was afraid. Pathetic, Ivy, I thought as I’d shook my head. At this, Colton locked eyes again and lifted a brow in question.

    “Not now.” I swallowed. “In the morning, when I’ve had time to sort my thoughts out.”

    As I darted down the hallway, into the master bedroom, a vigorous thought pounded my head. Haven’t you had enough time to think? Isn’t that what you’ve been doing while Colton was out and about? You are a wimp and nothing more.

    I’d went to bed, harboring those thoughts. I clutched a pillow in my arms, holding it so tight my muscles began to ache. I imagined myself holding Colton this way. I imagined the day everything would be okay, the day we weren’t promised limited days. A scream had built in the back of my throat. I’d grabbed the nearest corner of the quilt, stuffing it into my mouth to suppress the agonized sounds I was sure to produce. Soon after, I fell into a dark, dreamless sleep.

    “Are you ready to talk now?” Colton asked gently, shaking me from my thoughts of last night’s events. Was I ready? Not really. Was it time? Yes. Taking in a deep, silent breath, I nodded. Colton nodded, too, seemingly pleased that I wasn’t going to run away like I had last night.

    Wordlessly, I opened the living room’s balcony doors, waiting for him to step through. I followed after him, not bothering to shut the door behind me. God knew one of us was going to storm back through them, renewed anger running through our veins. Colton stood by the railing, leaning his arms against it as he waited for me to join him.

    “I’ve been thinking,” I began. He glanced at me, wary. “Your offering. You said so yourself I’m not to be a part of it. And everything that’s been going on with Cordelia and the ghosts...I’ve come to a conclusion. One that will benefit both of us.”

    He opened his mouth to speak, but I lifted my hand; a gesture that said: let me finish.

    “I’ve got this...thing to work on with Cordelia, and you’ve got your task. Right?”

    A beat of silence passed.

    “Right?” I said again, this time more firmly.

    Finally he said, “Right.”

    His voice sounded far away as he said it. Like he wasn’t sure whether or not he agreed. I knew he didn’t--and probably never would. But I did.

    “So,” I said slowly. “I think that some alone time would be best.” In response to my words, his head snapped up. His eyes met mine: full of shock. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe my words, it was that he didn’t want to.

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